
Pedagogy – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 3
Recommended Semester: 5
ECTS Credits Allocated: 10.00
Pre-requisites: none

Course objectives: Understanding the educational problems in teaching conditions and in the light of different didactic theories and teaching conceptions. Development of critical approach to didactic theory and practice.

Course description: Theoretical course: The subject of didactics. Basic didactic concepts and terminology. Didactic theories and models. Conceptions and types of teaching. Goals and content of teaching. Teaching forms and methods. Students’ and teachers’ activity in teaching process. Learning process in teaching. Theories of learning and teaching. The relation between teaching and students’ development. Curriculum theories. The relation between curriculum and educational conceptions. Teaching as communication process. The principles of effective communication in teaching. Educational technology. Student work monitoring. Evaluation of teaching. Teacher’s role and personality in students’ learning and success. Practical course: Practice, Other forms of teaching, Study research work, Modelling of didactic solutions for achievement of particular goals and teaching results. Critical analysis and examination of particular didactic solutions and the possibility of introducing the more effective ones. Distant learning and e-learning.

Learning Outcomes: Student understands the basic didactic concepts. He understands educational problems in the teaching context and factors that influence the teaching process. He understands the relation between goals, contents, methods and procedures in teaching and is capable of applying this knowledge in the practice.

  • Grupa autora, (1995): Saznavanje i nastava, Institut za pedagoška istraživanja, Beograd.
  • Brofi, Dž. (2004): Nastava, Mala pedagoška biblioteka, knjiga 1. Pedagoško društvo Srbije, Beograd.
  • Trnavac, N. Đorđević, J. (1998): Pedagogija, Naučna knjiga, Beograd.
  • Terhart, E. (1989): Metode poučavanja i učenja, Eduka, Zagreb.
  • Roders, P. (2003): Interaktivna nastava, Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu.
  • Klafki, W. i dr.(1994): Didaktičke teorije, Zagreb.
  • Havelka, N. (2000): Učenik i nastavnik u obrazovnom procesu, Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd.
  • Terhart, E. (1989): Metode poučavanja i učenja, Eduka, Zagreb.