
Pedagogy – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Out-of-school Education
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 2
Recommended Semester: 3
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: /

Course objectives: Acquisition of knowledge of the function and the significance of out-of-school education; familiarization with the basic characteristics of out-of-school activities, and the work of out-of-school institutions and organizations.

Course description: Theoretical course: Out-of-school education as a part of entire educational system. Leisure time in educational theory and practice. Organizational elements of out-of-school education. Assumptions and possibilities of realizing the educational work in out-of school context. The role and the significance of out-of-school activities of children and adolescents. Types and forms of out-of-school activities. Organizational principles of out-of-school education. Improvement of educational work in out-of-school context. Practical course: Methods of functioning of institutions and organizations for out-of-school education. Forms and content of out-of-school work in institutions and organizations for out-of-school education. Competences of professionals in institutions/organizations of out-of-school education. Cooperation of out-of-school institutions with school and other out-of-school institutions/organizations.

Learning Outcomes: Students understand the significance, characteristics and possibilities of realizing the education in out-of-school context; they know the method of functioning, and also the characteristics of educational work realization in out-of-school institutions and organizations.

  • Kačavenda, N. (1997): Slobodno vreme i obrazovanje. Beograd: Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva.
  • Kocić, Lj. (1984): Nastajanje i razvoj dečjih interesovanja, Nastava i vaspitanje, br. 4, 623-641.
  • Radovanović, S. (1997): Škola i društvena sredina. Beograd: IPA Filozofskog fakulteta.
  • Gob, A. i N. Druge (2009): Muzeologija. Beograd: Klio (83-103; 234-259).
  • Zindović-Vukadinović, G. (1998): Deca, mediji i nasilje, Zbornik Instituta za pedagoška istraživanja, br. 30, 108-123.
  • Zindović-Vukadinović, G. (1997): Medijska pismenost: teorija i praksa, Zbornik Instituta za pedagoška istraživanja, br. 29, 244-259.
  • Kocić, Lj. (1984): Priroda interesovanja i potreba njihovog poznavanja i ispitivanja, Nastava i vaspitanje, br. 1, 79-92.