
Pedagogy – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Introduction to Education / Pedagogy
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 8.00
Pre-requisites: /

Course objectives: Introducing students to basic concepts of educational science; enabling the critical insight into the contemporary conceptions of education; students’ preparation for acquisition of particular educational knowledge on the later studies of education.

Course description: Theoretical course: The subject of pedagogy. Different understandings of education. Education and other pedagogical concepts. The characteristics of education. The historical dimension of education. Education – culture – society. Education and personality. Personality development factors. The possibilities and limitations of education. The goal of education as a pedagogical category. Determinants of the goal of education. Tasks of education (intellectual, moral, aesthetic, physical education). Fundamental factors of education. The role and the importance of particular factors in education. School and school system. General principles of education. General methods in education and educational means. Educand/child, student. The position of educand in the process of education. The characteristics of teacher/educator-student/child relation. The characteristics of teaching profession. Professional role and characteristics of teacher’s/educator’s personality. Practical course: The characteristics of education in relation to culture and society. Fundamental educational concepts. The possibilities and limitations of education. Determination and concretization of the goal of education. General principles of education.

Learning Outcomes: Student knows the basic pedagogical concepts, he is familiar with the assumptions of contemporary educational conceptions; he is trained for acquisition of educational knowledge during the studies of education.

  • Arijes, F. (1989): Vekovi detinjstva. Beograd: Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva.(deo: Doživljaj detinjstva, str. 58-141)
  • Blum, B. S. (1981): Taksonomija ili klasifikacija obrazovnih i odgojnih ciljeva. Beograd: Republički zavod za unapređivanje vaspitanja i obrazovanja.
  • Brecinka, V. (1990): Nauka o vaspitanju, Pedagogija (Beograd), br. 2, str. 193-215.
  • Dirkem, E. (1981): Vaspitanje i sociologija. Beograd: Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva.(Glava I Definisanje vaspitanja. Kritičko razmatranje, str. 33-57).
  • Đorđević, J. (1993): Problemi ciljeva i zadataka u vaspitanju i obrazovanju, Pedagogija (Beograd), br. 1-2, str. 8-32.
  • Kon, I. S. (1991): Dete i kultura. Beograd: Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva. (Poglavlje: Socijalizacija dece u svetu koji se menja, str. 183-216).
  • Trebješanin, Ž. (1991): Predstava o detetu u srpskoj kulturi. Beograd: Srpska književna zadruga. (Str. 281-350 i 357- 380).
  • Antonijević, R. (2013). Opšta pedagogija. Beograd: Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju Filozofskog fakulteta.