
Academic master history studies "Society, state, transition" 2013
Methodology with Historiography of the Studies of Modern History
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 2
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: No specific requirements

Course objectives: Introducing students to the key aspects of methodological historical research; Presenting the newest ideas and schools of thought in the science of history; independent work with sources and mastering course material.

Course description: The theoretical component is comprised of lectures on new approaches in the study of history. We will examine social history, history of daily life, cultural history, comparative history, urban history, history of ideas and other contemporary scientific directions. The practical component will focus on cultivating critical thinking with students.

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge of the newest trends in worldwide historical methodology, in order to understand complex historical processes and forming contemporary scientific opinion
