Academic master history studies "Society, state, transition" 2013
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 2
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Serbian Language 2
Status: optional Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 2
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: No specific requirements
Course objectives: Teaching foreign students with adequate previous knowledge Serbian language to the level enabling them to take part in everyday communication, to express their wishes, needs and intentions, so they would be able to take part in educational activities and fulfill requests. During education students should master new linguistic skills, activate and functionalize their knowledge in all four linguistic skills: reading, writing, understanding and conversation.
Course description: 1. Phonetic-phonological system of Serbian language: sounds, two alphabets, alternations necessary for functional use of words, accent system and intonation; 2. Morphology: grammar categories of gender, number and verb form, morphology of declination, word forming; 3. Syntax: syntax of declination, sentence forming, word order; 4. Lexicology: topic units and related lexis and lexical constructions; 5. Stylistics: expressing condition, feelings, needs and other communicative models in the spirit of Serbian language
Practicing language system of Serbian language in reading, writing, understanding and conversation.
Learning Outcomes: Foreign students become able to actively use Serbian language in everyday communication, in educational course and all obligations related to it.
- Selimović Maša, Živanić Ljubica, Srpski za strance 1.Institut za strane jezike, Beograd, 2001.
- Smilja Zdravković, Ljubica Živanić, Branimir Putnik, Srpski za strance: Više od reči. Institut za strane jezike, Beograd, 2012.
- Bjelaković Isidora, Jelena Vojnović, Naučimo srpski – Let’s learn Serbian 1. Filozofski fakultet – Dnevnik (komplet sadrži udžbenik, radnu svesku i CD sa vežbama slušanja), Novi Sad 2006.
- Alanović, M. i dr. Naučimo srpski – Let’s learn Serbian 2. Filozofski fakultet – Dnevnik (komplet sadrži udžbenik, radnu svesku i 2 CD-a sa vežbama slušanja), Novi Sad, 2006.
- Ivan Klajn, Gramatika srpskog jezika za strance. Zavod za udžbenike, Beograd, 2006.