
Master Programme for Subject Teachers in Serbia 2013
Civic Education Programs
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 2
ECTS Credits Allocated: 4.00

Course objectives: - understanding concepts and principles of education for democracy and civil society; gaining a deeper knowledge of civic education programmes and methods as well as practical knowledge for teaching civic education; developing civic awareness and activism.

Course description: Theoretical instruction: Civic education and the education for democracy and civic society: basic concepts and approaches. Education for democratic citizenship in Serbia: democratization of education and the intorduction of the subject of civic education; EDC national framework. The aims and outcomes of the education for democracy. Strategies and methods of education for democracy and civil society. Civic education programmes (introduction and case analyses). Civic education teacher training. Practical instruction: Planning, carrying out and evaluating a civic education class or block schedule classes in Education for democracy and civil socety

Learning Outcomes: Students are expected to understand the concept of education for democracy and civil society, to be acquainted with and develop critical thinking about civic education programmes, to be able to plan and carry out specific teaching activities within the civic education programme.

  • Birzea, C., Obrazovanje za demokratsko građanstvo: perspektiva doživotnog učenja, Savet Evrope, 2000.
  • Gollob,R., Krapf, Pregled elemenata planiranja i metoda učenja u obrazovanju o ljudskim pravima i građanskom obrazovanju, Teorijsko-metodičke osnove građanskog vaspitanja, Jagodina, 2006.
  • Delor, Ž.i dr., Od društvene kohezije do demokratskog sudelovanja, Učenje-blago u nama, Zagreb, 1998.
  • Duer, K., Strategije za učenje demokratskog građanstva, Savet Evrope, 2000.
  • Odižije, F., Osnovni pojmovi i ključne kompetencije za obrazovanje za demokratsko građanstvo, Teorijsko-metodičke osnove građanskog vaspitanja, Jagodina, 2006.
  • ODGD u evropskim zemljama – komparativna analiza, Savet Evrope, 2004.
  • Pešić, M., Demokratizacija obrazovanja i obrazovanje za demokratiju i građansko društvo, Kvalitetno obrazovanje za sve - put ka razvijenom društvu, MPS, 2002.
  • Predlog Nacionalnog okvira za obrazovanje za demokratiju i građansko društvo, Beograd, 2005.
  • Programi i priručnici za nastavnike za Građansko vaspitanje (za osnovnu i srednju školu), MPS, Beograd, 2002-2004.
  • Spajić-Vrkaš, V. i dr., Poučavati prava i slobode, , Zagreb, 2004.