History – Master’s Degree 2014
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 2
ECTS Credits Allocated: 20.00
Master's Final Project
Status: compulsory Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 2
ECTS Credits Allocated: 20.00
Pre-requisites: Fulfillment of all previous academic requirements during master's studies.
Course objectives: Acquiring particular knowledge from a field of interest within the historical sciences. Perfecting the historical method and gaining the ability to conduct independent scientific work. Preparation for working on a doctoral thesis.
Course description: Student's research studies come to an end with the completion of the Master's Work, aided by a mentorship throughout the process. A Master's Work should contain a Preface with a description of the topic in question, sources and method; Introduction; Main Body, which will be divided into chapters and shorter sections and finally, a Conclusion. The paper must contain all relevant scientific parameters - annotations, list of abbreviations, and an annotated bibliography. After the work is completed/submitted, the work will have to be defended in front of a professional panel, composed of professionals from the field of interest.
Learning Outcomes: A Master's Work, that meets all international standards. The ability to work as capable scientific historian, artful in applying the historical method and creative in producing original scientific results.