
History – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Urbanization of the Roman Empire in Eastern and Western provinces
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 8
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: None.

Course objectives: Gaining insight into the urbanization process in Roman provinces and familiarizing oneself with the principal aspects of its influence on the political system and social order of the Principate.

Course description: City as the constitutive unit of Roman provinces. Expansion of urban lifestyle and integration of provincial populations into the Roman citizenship during the Principate. Diversity within autonomous urban communities with regard to their status and institutions. The functioning of city government. City and its territory. Relationship between central government and city autonomy.

Learning Outcomes: Students will familiarize themselves with the main aspects of urbanization as an integrative and civilizational process in the Roman Empire.

  • The Cambridge Ancient History [CAH] X, 1996; XI, 2000.(poglavlja o urbanizaciji u pojedinim provincijama)
  • A.N. Sherwin-White, The Roman Citizenship, Oxford 1973, 221-424, Part II-IV.
  • H. Galsterer, Local and provincial institutions and government, CAH XI2 (Part III,10), Cambridge 2000, 344-360.
  • F. Millar, Empire and city, Augustus to Julian: obligations, excuses and status, JRS 73, 1983, 76-96.
  • A.H.M. Jones, Cities of the Eastern Roman Provinces, Oxford 1971.
  • F. Jacques, Les cités de l’Occident romain du Ier s. av. J.-C. au VI s. ap. J.-C., Paris 1990.
  • F. Abbot and A. Johnson, Municipal Administration in the Roman Empire, Princeton 1926.
  • F. Vittinghoff, Zur römischen Municipalisierung des lateinischen Donau-Balkanraumes. Metodische Bemerkungen, ANRW II 6, 3-55.