History – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 8
ECTS Credits Allocated: 4.00
Introduction to theory of society
Status: optional Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 8
ECTS Credits Allocated: 4.00
Pre-requisites: Middle school knowledge from humanistic disciplines, social sciences and natural sciences
Course objectives: Enabling students to explore freely chosen themes from particular spheres of social activity from the angle of different basic theoretical and methodological approaches to research. Acquiring critical insights and research tools for understanding and explaining social phenomena and processes
Course description: Introduces students to the origins and cognitive specificity of contemporary scientific concepts and theoretical answers to basic questions about humanity, society, culture and history which are being studied within particular humanist disciplines. Through elaboration of papers and through participation in the discussions at the seminar, students deepen understanding of the ways in which social and historical circumstances affect the emergence and evolution of different types of answers to these questions.
Learning Outcomes: Deepening of students' cognition of social processes and their own place and role in them
- Ž. Pijaže, Epistemologija nauka o čoveku, str. 19--57, 71-78) L. Kolakovski, Filozofija pozitivizma, str. 29-39, 232-244 G.H. fon Riht; Objašnjenje i razumevanje, str. 52-69
- M.Haralambos, 2002: Sociologija – teme i perspektive, 2-21, 965-1030 Gidens, 2003: Sociologija, str. 26-45 + do 50 strana po izboru
- V. Korać, Istorija društvenih teorija, str. 80-96 Č. Popov, Građanska Evropa, I, str. 19-41, 66-68, 78-80, 308-312, 336-343, 405-423, 434-458 A. Mitrović, Vreme netrpeljivih, str. 69-78, 419-454