
History – Doctoral Degree 2014
Medieval sources of the Dubrovnik Archives (Doct.)
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 2
Recommended Semester: 3
ECTS Credits Allocated: 10.00
Pre-requisites: The corresponding year of studies, ie semester, regular attendance, active participation in the work on the sources and fulfillment of the planned pre-registration obligations.

Course objectives: Introduction to the significance of the State Archives in Dubrovnik for the study of the history of the Serbian people in the Middle Ages, its organization and information resources for the use of original material and work with selected sources in Serbian and Latin.

Course description: Theoretical teaching: Through lectures, students are introduced to the basic facts about the State Archives in Dubrovnik, its history, structure and organization, information resources for the use of archival material, as well as the most important archive series of the original material. Practical teaching: Reading and analysis of selected sources in Serbian and Latin, mastering the methodology of work at sources and acquiring practical knowledge on what types of data can be expected from different archival series.

Learning Outcomes: Acquiring knowledge and skills in working with sources of the State Archives in Dubrovnik, knowledge of the organization of the archival institution and information resources for the use of the original material.

  • S. Stanojević, Dubrovački arhiv, u: Istorija srpskog naroda u srednjem veku, Beograd 1937, 17-38.
  • J. Gelčić, Dubroovački arhiv, Glasnik Zemaljskog muzeja BiH 22 (1910) 537-588.
  • 700 godišnjica Dubrovačkog arhiva i arhivske službe u Jugroslviji, Arhivist 29 1-2 (1979) 1-207.
  • K. Jireček, Važnost Dubrovnika u trgovačkoj povijesti srednjeg vijeka, Dubrovnik 1915.
  • K. Jireček, Istorija Srba I-II, Beograd 1952 (ili neko od kasnijih izdanja).
  • V. Foretić, Pregled stanja fondova, zbirki i skupina Državnog arhiva u Dubrovniku na dan 22 travnja 1955, Arhivist 2 (1955) LXVIII-LXXV.
  • Enciklopedija srpskog naroda, Beograd 2008, 316 s. v. Dubrovački arhiv (A. Veselinović).