
History – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
The Serbian economic system in the Middle Ages
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 8
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: Regular class attendance with consultations, writing assigned seminar papers, actively participating in work on sources.

Course objectives: To introduce students to the types of resources used in the economic system of the middle ages, by examining the general directions of development of the economic system of feudal Serbia; learning about specific branches of the system, from extensive and natural in the early middle ages, to a monetary system developed towards the end of late feudalism.

Course description: Theoretical component: introducing students to the basic principles of the feudal economic system, followed by the basic types of resources used in the economic system (economic charters, practici and castastici, laws, sources from archives(coastal territories), mostly Dubrovnik, foreign sources, turkish defters). Practical component: the second part of the course consists of lab hours devoted to looking at sources

Learning Outcomes: Students will know about the resources used in the economic system of Serbia in the middle ages; and be able to apply a critical approach in independently studying historical sources.

  • K. Jireček, Istorija Srba I-II, Beograd 1952 (ili neko od kasnijih izdanja).
  • Istorija srpskog naroda I-II, Beograd 1981-1982 (ili neko od kasnijih izdanja).
  • M. Blagojević, Zemljoradnja u srednjovekovnoj Srbiji, Beograd 1973.
  • R. Katić, Stočarstvo u srednjovekovnoj Srbiji, Beograd 1978.
  • D. Kovačević, Trgovina u srednjovjekovnoj Bosni, Sarajevo 1961.
  • A. Veselinović, Trgovina u srednjovekovnoj Srbiji, Beograd 1982, neobjavljena mag. teza
  • M. Dinić, Za istoriju rudarstva u srednjovekovnoj Srbiji i Bosni I-II, Beograd 1955-1962.
  • D. Kovačević, R. Ćuk, S. Ćirković, Staro srpsko rudarstvo, Beograd 2002.
  • K. Jireček, Trgovački putevi i rudnici Srbije i Bosne u srednjem veku, Zbornik K. Jirečeka I, Beograd 1959.
  • Č. Mijatović, Studije za istoriju srpske trgovine, Glasnik SUD 33, 37, 38 (1872, 1873).
  • D. Roller, Dubrovački zanati u 15. i 16. stoljeću, Zagreb 1951.