History – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 7
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Nations and Empires in the Modern World
Status: optional Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 7
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: History students are required to have passed the exam from General History of the 19th Century. All students from other departments should possess knowledge of general modern history.
Course objectives: This course is an introduction to key events in modern history; practical work in practicing the historical method; developing critical thinking by applying it to concrete examples in history.
Course description: The subject of this course is dedicated to exploring the phenomena of empire and nation, imperialism and nationalism, and the dynamic relationships between empires and nations in the modern era. The timeline will begin with american independence from the British empire and the creation of the United States of America, to the dissolution of european kingdoms during the First World War. After going through general historical theory, the class will focus on case studies and examples. We will research different types of empires and imperialism, as well as nations and nationalism, confirm origins of conflict, but also cooperation between empires and nations. The practical component will be composed of seminar labs and will be tailored to suit student's particular fields of interest. Essay and oral presentation topics will be decided upon depending according to student's final project papers.
Learning Outcomes: Gaining a deeper insight into the modern world, which provides students with a foundation for working in a broad range of fields – from academia to scientific institutions and governmental administration to media and non-governmental organizations.
- S. Howe, Empire, Oxford 2002; W.J. Mommsen, Theories of Imperialism, Chicago 1982.
- A. Porter, European Imperialism, 1860-1914, Basingstoke 1999; H. Arent, Izvori totalitarizma, Beograd 1998
- A. Smit, Nacionalni identitet, Beograd 1997; B. Anderson, Nacija: Zamišljena zajednica, Bgd 1999.
- E. Hobsbaum, Nacije i nacionalizam od 1780, Bgd 1996; E. Gelner, Nacije i nacionalizam, Novi Sad 1997
- P.J. Cain/A.G. Hopkins, British Imperialism 1688-2000, Harlow 2002; B. Porter, The Lion’s Share. A Short History of British Imperialism 1850-1995, Harlow 1996
- P.J. Cain/A.G. Hopkins, British Imperialism 1688-2000, Harlow 2002; B. Porter, The Lion’s Share, Harlow 1996; S. Gopal, British Policy in India 1858-1905, Cambridge 1965
- H.B. Parks, Istorija SAD, Beograd 1985; F. Dženkins, Istorija SAD, Beograd 2002
- C. A. Bayly, The Birth of the Modern World 1780-1914, Oxford 2004; H.B. Parks, Istorija SAD, Beograd 1985; F. Dženkins, Istorija SAD, Beograd 2002
- F. Fire, M. Ozuf, Kritički rečnik Francuske revolucije, Beograd, Sremski Karlovci/ Novi Sad 1996; G. Ellis, Napoleon, Harlow 1997
- F. Fire, M. Ozuf, Kritički rečnik Francuske revolucije, Beograd, Sremski Karlovci/ Novi Sad 1996; G. Ellis, Napoleon, Harlow 1997
- H. Seton-Watson, The Russian Empire 1801-1917, Oxford 1988; R. Okey, The Habsburg Monarchy c. 1765-1918, Basingstoke/ London 2001; Istorija Osmanskog carstva, priredio R. Mantran, Beograd 2002
- H. Seton-Watson, The Russian Empire 1801-1917, Oxford 1988; R. Okey, The Habsburg Monarchy c. 1765-1918, Basingstoke/ London 2001; Istorija Osmanskog carstva, priredio R. Mantran, Beograd 2002
- S. Woolf, A History of Italy 1700-1860, London/ New York 1991; D. Blackbourn, History of Germany 1780-1918, Oxford 2002;D. Đorđević, Nacionalne revolucije balkanskih naroda 1804 – 1914, Beograd 1995
- S. K. Pavlović, Istorija Balkana, Beograd 2001; D. Popov i dr, Istorija Bugarske, Beograd 2008; R. Klog, Istorija Grčke novog doba, Beograd 2000; P. Bartl, Albanci, Beograd 2001
- W. Baumgart, Imperialism.The Idea and Reality of British and French Colonial Expansion 1880-1914, Oxford 1983;F. Fišer, Savez elita. O kontinuitetu struktura moći u Nemačkoj 1871-1945,
- A. Sked, The Decline and Fall of the Habsburg Empire 1815-1918, London/New York 1989; H. Seton-Watson, The Russian Empire 1801-1917, Oxford 1988; M. Clark, Modern Italy 1871-1995, London/NY 1999
- V. G. Kiernan, European Empires from Conquest to Collapse, 1815-1960, Bungay 1982; P. Kenedi, Uspon i pad velikih sila 1500 – 2000, Beograd 1999;M. Hvostov, Istoriя diplomatii II, Moskva 1963
- C.A. Bayly, The Birth of the Modern World 1780-1914, Oxford 2004;P. Hopkirk, The Great Game:The Strugle for Empire in Central Asia, NY/Tokio/London 1994;M. Todorova, Imaginarni Balkan, Beograd 1999
- Ž. Žerne, Kineski svet, Beograd 2007;F. Kurten/S. Fajerman/L. Tompson/J. Vansina, Istorija Afrike, Beograd 2005;V. Kiernan, The Lords of Human Kind, Boston/Toronto 1969
- I.C.Y. Hsu, The Rise of Modern China, Oxford/New York/Toronto 1975; P. Renuven, Pitanje Dalekog istoka 1840–1940, Beograd 1965; E. Said, Orijentalizam, Beograd 2000
- P. Renouvin, Evropska kriza i Prvi svjetski rat, Zagreb 1965; H. Seton-Watson, The Russian Empire 1801-1917, Oxford 1988
- A. Dž. P. Tejlor, Habzburška monarhija 1809 – 1918. Istorija Austrijske carevine i Austrougarske, Beograd 2001; Istorija Osmanskog carstva, priredio R. Mantran, Beograd 2002
- P. Renouvin, Evropska kriza i Prvi svjetski rat, Zagreb 1965; O. Figes, A People’s Tragedy. The Russian Revolution 1891-1924, London 1997
- H. Seton-Watson, The Russian Empire 1801-1917, Oxford 1988; A. Dž. P. Tejlor, Habzburška monarhija 1809 – 1918, Beograd 2001; Istorija Osmanskog carstva, priredio R. Mantran, Beograd 2002
- J. Joll, The Origins of the First World War, Harlow 1992; P. Renouvin, Evropska kriza i Prvi svjetski rat, Zagreb 1965; A. P. Tejlor, Borba za prevlast u Evropi 1848-1918, Sarajevo 1968
- F.R.Bridge/R. Bullen, The Great Powers and the European States System 1814-1914, Harlow 2005;P. Renouvin, Evropska kriza i Prvi svjetski rat, Zgb 1965;A.P. Tejlor, Borba za prevlast u Evropi 1848-1918
- S. Howe, Empire, Oxford 2002; A. Smit, Nacionalni identitet, Beograd 1997
- S. Howe, Empire, Oxford 2002; A. Smit, Nacionalni identitet, Beograd 1997