
History – Master’s Degree 2014
Political-territorial Organization of Bosnia during the Middle Ages
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: Students should possess knowledge of the contemporary physical geography and be familiar with major events in Bosnian Medieval political history. For each class, students will be required to read selected texts and come prepared for discussion. Students are required to write a seminar paper with a topic chosen ahead of time with the professor. Knowledge of english-or another foreign language, is highly desirable because of usage of contemporary literature.

Course objectives: Students gain a deeper insight into the problems of settlements in context of politics, economics and culture of Bosnia during the Middle ages, through applying materials from similar disciplines as well - archeology, art history and study of diplomacy.

Course description: This course will examine the material chronologically and by looking at specific issues, with the objective of carefully observing general points of development of settled areas in medieval Bosnia, and to detect specific issues and characteristics, both in the time-line and structure. We will use a comparative method, by comparing the settlements to ones in neighbouring countries - Serbia and Hungary.

Learning Outcomes: Students gain a deeper insight into the problems of settlements in context of politics, economics and culture of Bosnia during the Middle ages, through applying materials from similar disciplines as well - archeology, art history and study of diplomacy.

  • S. Ćirković, Istorija srednjovekovne bosanske države, Beograd 1964.
  • Arheološki leksikon Bosne i Hercegovine 1-3, Sarajevo 1988.
  • D. Kovačević-Kojić, Gradska naselja srednjovjekovne Bosne, Sarajevo 1978.
  • Anđelić P., Studije o teritorijalnopolitičkoj organizaciji srednjovjekovne Bosne, Sarajevo 1982.
  • Kovačević D., Trgovina u srednjovjekovnoj Bosni, Djela ANUBiH knj. XVIII, Sarajevo 1961.
  • Mišić S., Humska zemlja, Beograd 1996.
  • Mrgić–Radojčić J., Donji Kraji. Krajina srednjovekovne Besne, Beograd 2002.
  • Mrgić–Radojčić J., Rethinking the Territorial Development of the Medieval Bosnian State, IČ LI (2004) 43–64.
  • Mrgić J., Transition from Late Medieval to Early Ottoman Settlement Patterns, Südost-Forschungen 65-66 (2006-2007), 50-86.
  • Pašalić E., Antička naselja i komunikacije u Bosni i Hercegovini, Sarajevo 1960.
  • Handžić A., O značaju putova za razvitak gradskih naselja u Bosni u XVI i XVII stoljeću, Prilozi 13 (1977) 73–77.
  • Ćirković S., Neostvarena autonomija: gradsko društvo u Srbiji i Bosni, u: Rabotnici, vojnici, duhovnici, 259-276.
  • J. Mrgić, Proučavanje "centralnih" naselja u istorijskoj geografiji Bizantijskog carstvana na Balkanu i mogućnosti primene nove metodologije, u: Vizantijski svet na Balkanu 2, Beograd 2012,285-297.
  • J. Mrgić, Župe i naselja „zemlje“ Usore, JIČ 1-2 (2000), 27-41
  • S. Mišić, »Zemlja« u državi Nemanjića, Godišnjak za društvenu istoriju 4, 2-3 (1997), Beograd 1999, 133-146.
  • S. Mišić, Territorial Division and Representatives of the Local Administration in the Medieval Bosnian State in 13th and 14th Century, Beogradski istorijski glasnik 2010,69-86.
  • M. Blagojević,Državnost zemlje Pavlovića, u: Zemlja Pavlovića – srednji vijek i period turske vladavine,Sarajevo 2003, 113–144.
  • M. Blagojević, Veliki knez i zemaljski knez, ZRVI 41 (2004), 293–318.