History – Master’s Degree 2014
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Methods of Assessment and Evaluation in teaching
Status: optional Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: Following exams should be passed: Psychology for teachers, Introduction to pedagogy with didactic
Course objectives: Acquisition of knowledge about the role, ways and problems of monitoring and assessing in teaching, enabling students to participate in teaching evaluation and assessment.
Course description: Theoretical course: Monitoring and assessment in teaching process: in the context of planning and evaluation of teaching and in the context of understanding and encouraging student learning. Functions of assessment. Problems and typical mistakes in assessment. Types and forms of assessment: formative and summative, in levels and descriptive. Evaluation scales. Assessment and competency standards. Activities and procedures in the process of monitoring and assessment: Defining the assessment criteria. Designing of evaluative activities and tasks. Encouraging students’ self-evaluation and the function of documentation about students’ work (portfolio). Giving feedback. Knowledge tests: Norm-referenced and criterion-referenced tests. Test characteristics. The structure of knowledge test. Types of tasks (according to the knowledge level and form of questions). The role and the activities of educationalists, teachers and students in the process of assessing. Practical course: Planning of evaluative activities. Designing of knowledge test plan. Examination of evaluative activity and knowledge test in teaching with the cooperation of the school teacher.
Learning Outcomes: Student: is familiar with the different ways of assessing and critically approaches the assessing procedures, understands the functions and the significance of assessing; is capable of using different evaluative activities, designing knowledge test and giving feedback about learning progress.
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- Havelka, N., (2000), Ocenjivanje učenika, u Učenik i nastavnik u obazovnom procesu, 163-185
- Lindquist, E. F. (1966), Pripremanje testa i priroda merenja u pedagogiji, Beograd.
- Mitrović, M. (2010), Obrazovanje budućih nastavnika za praćenje i ocenjivanje u nastavi: perspektive, u Meri,M. (ed.): Unapređenje obrazovanja učitelja i nastavnika: od selekcije do prakse II tom, Pedagoški fakultet, Jagodina , str. 229-239
- Mitrović, M. (2012), Promene u teoriji i praksi ocenjivanja u nastavi i njihova značenja za istraživanje kvaliteta u obrazovanju, u Posebna pitanja kvaliteta u obrazovanju, Beograd: Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju, str. 155-172
- Radulović,L., (2010), Evaluacija aktivnosti studenata kao polazište za razvijanje programa nastavnog predmeta, u Meri,M. (ed.): Unapređenje obrazovanja učitelja i nastavnika: od selekcije do prakse, II tom, Jagodina: Pedagoški fakultet i TEMPUS CRTE, str. 203-215.
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