
History – Master’s Degree 2014
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: Following exams should be passed: Psychology for teachers, Introduction to pedagogy with didactic

Course objectives: Understanding the basic ideas and theoretical postulates that interactive teaching is based on and training for planing and realization of interactive teaching.

Course description: Theoretical course: Theoretical foundations of interactive teaching. Functions of education. The nature, principles and learning styles. The causes of failure in learning. Interactive teaching components: planning, realization, monitoring and support. Types of activities: warm up, lead in, building, finishing activities. Interactive teaching strategies, methods and techniques. Teacher’s roles: planner, facilitator, mediator... Advantages and limitations, difficulties in planning and realization of interactive teaching. Cooperative learning concepts, goals, principles and effects. Teacher’s activities in group work organization. Practical course: 1. Empirical learning through participation in interactive teaching and analyzing proper experience; 2. Organization of teaching activities using the interactive teaching methods; 3. Planning the teaching segments with the use of interactive teaching methods and cooperative learning; 4. Realization of one lesson or short training on different contents with different target groups and participating in evaluation of realized activities.

Learning Outcomes: Student: understands the theoretical foundation for interactiv teaching; he is able to plan and use the interactive teaching methods, to plan group work and facilitate group interaction and to work in a team; he is ready to take the responsibility for the teaching process.

  • Brofi,Dž., Nastava, Pedagoško društvo Srbije, 2004., 28-39
  • Jensen,E., Super-nastava, Educa, Zagreb, 2003., 31-43, 162-170
  • Kyriacou, Temeljna nastavna umijeća, Educa, Zagreb, 2001., 70-109.
  • Roeders, P., Interaktivna nastava, IPA, Beograd, 2003.
  • Pavlović-Breneselović, D., Pavlovski,T., Interaktivna obuka, IPA, Beograd, 2000.
  • Kiper,H., Mischke,W. (2008) Uvod u opću didaktiku, Zagreb: Educa, 82-86
  • Terhart,E., Metode poučavanja i učenja, Educa, Zagreb, 2001.
  • Priručni materijali za nastavu ovog predmeta
  • Radulović,L., Obrazovanje nastavnika za refleksivnu praksu, Beograd: Filozofski fakultet, 2011.