
History – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Serbian-ottoman relations in the second half of the 14th century
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 8
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: no special requirements

Course objectives: Acquiring thorough knowledge on the major sources of historical problems in the sphere of serbian-ottoman relations at the end of the 14th century. Gaining an understanding of the nature of Serbian-ottoman relations at the end of the 14th century, developing critical thinking and the ability to address subject matter from multiple angles.

Course description: Theoretical component: History of the first relations between ottoman and Serbian empires. The development and differing natures of the relations which were built during the second half of the 14th century. Forms of ottoman conquering christian nations on the Balkan peninsula. Uniqueness of the suzerain-vassal relationship between particular serbian territorial lords and ottoman rulers during the second half of the 14th century, up until 1402 and the battle at Angora. Perceptions of ottoman politics and their consequences in serbian political and cultural circles – fear of the Turks. Practical component: Serbian historical sources on ottoman conquests. Ottoman narrative sources on victories, conflicts and relations with serbian rulers. Analysis of the relations from the angle of various historic provenances.

Learning Outcomes: An understanding of and analysis of events, processes and phenomena of Serbian-ottoman relations in the 14th century. Working with documentary and narrative sources, applying knowledge through papers, historical essays and powerpoint presentations.

  • Istorija srpskog naroda I-II, Beograd 1981, 1982.
  • R. Mantran, Istorija Osmanskog carstva, Beograd 2002. (Nikola Vaten)
  • H. Inaldžik, Osmansko carstvo, klasično doba 1300 – 1600, Beograd 1974.
  • Istorija Crne Gore II-2, Titograd 1970.
  • V. Trpković, Tursko-ugarski sukobi do 1402, IG 1-2 (1959) 93-121.
  • R Mihaljčić, Lazar Hrebeljanović, istorija, kult, predanje, Beograd 1989.
  • R. Mihaljčić, Junaci kosovske legende, Beograd 1993.
  • O knezu Lazaru, Zbornik sa naučnog skupa, Beograd 1975.
  • M. Purković , Knez i despot Stefan Lazarević, Beograd 1978.
  • S. Reinert , From Nis to Kosovo Polje, reflections on Murad I’s final years, Ottoman Emirate (1300-1389), Crete University press Rethymnon 1993, 169-210
  • M. Spremić, Brankovići – oblasni gospodari Kosova, Sveti knez Lazar, Beograd 1989, 121-130.
  • M. Spremić, Vuk Branković i Kosovska bitka, Glas SANU CCCLXXVIII (1996) 85-107.
  • Đ Tošić, Bosna i Turci od Kosovske do Angorske bitke, Zbornik za istoriju BiH 1, Beograd 1995, 85-97.
  • S. Ćirković, Kosovo polje, 15. juni 1389, Kosovska bitka 1389. godine, Galerija SANU sv. 65, Beograd 1989, 80-93.
  • S. Ćirković, Poklad kralja Vukašina, ZFFB XIV-1 (1979) 153-163
  • S. Ćirković, Kosovska bitka u međunarodnom kontekstu, Glas SANU CCCLXXVIII (1996) 49-69
  • M. Šuica, Pripovesti o srpsko-turskim okršajima i «strah od Turaka» 1386. godine, Istorijski časopis(2006) 93-121.
  • M. Šuica, Zavera vlastele protiv kneza Stefana Lazarevića 1398. godine, IG 1-2 (1997) 7-25.