
History – Master’s Degree 2014
Serbian Vlastela Rulers in the Late Middle Ages
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: No specific requirements

Course objectives: Expanding knowledge of the vlastela social class in the late middle ages. Understanding the status, social and political role of vlasetla in serbian medieval governing. Understanding the functions of the government and military. Writing short research papers.

Course description: Theoretical component: Structure of serbian society in the late middle ages. Structure of the vlastela class in the late middle ages. Functions of vlastela in court, state and local government as well as the military. Economic basis for the vlastela class. Titles and functions of the vlastela in the serbian government during late feudalism. History of the great noble serbian dynasties from the middle of the 14th century to the middle of the 15th. Practical component: historical sources on the history of the vlastela - typology; historical of serbian vlastela dynasties with royal ambitions; serbian vlastela in government, military and court.

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge of serbian vlastela dynasties in the late middle ages:influential people, events, processes and phenomena in the history of serbian vlastela rulers.Familiarity with historical sources on the topic.

  • M.Šuica,Nemirno doba srpskog srednjeg veka, Vlastela srpskih oblasnih gospodara, Beograd 2000, 200.
  • M.Šuica, Vlastela kneza Stefana Lazarevića (1389-1402), Godišnjak za društvenu istoriju XI sv. 1 (2004), izašlo 2005, 7-31.
  • M. Šuica, Povelja kneza Stefana Lazarevića kojom se Hilandaru prilaže crkva Vavedenja Bogorodičinog u Ibru, Stari srpski arhiv 3 (2004) 107-124.
  • M. Blagojević, Državna uprava u srpskim srednjovekovnim zemljama, Beograd 1997.
  • Istorija srpskog naroda I-II, Beograd 1981, 1982.
  • I. Đorđević, Zidno slikarstvo srpske vlastele, Beograd 1995.
  • M. Blagojević, D. Medaković, Istorija srpske državnosti I, Novi Sad 2000.
  • A. Veselinović, R. Ljušić, Srpske dinastije, Beograd 2008.
  • K. Jireček, Istorija Srba I-II, Beograd 1990.
  • D. Spasić , A.Palavestra, D.Mrđenović, Rodoslovne tablice i grbovi, Beograd 1991.
  • S. Ćirković , Srbi u srednjem veku, Beograd 1995.
  • S. Ćirković, Poklad kralja Vukašina, ZFFB XIV-1 (1979) 153-163.
  • M. Šuica, Povelja cara Uroša o zameni poseda između kneza Vojislava i čelnika Muse, Stari srpski arhiv 2 (2003) 143-167.
  • Đ.Sp. Radojičić , Vlatko Hranotić-vlastelin Vuka Brankovića, Glasnik MKM 1 (1956) 230.
  • G. Ostrogorski, Serska oblast posle Dušanove smrti, Beograd 1965.
  • R. Mihaljčić, Kraj Srpskog carstva, Beograd 1974.
  • M. Dinić, O Nikoli Altomanoviću, Beograd 1932.
  • M. Dinić, Humsko-trebinjska vlastela, Beograd 1967.
  • T. Taranovski, Istorija srpskog prava u Nemanjićkoj Srbiji I, Beograd 1931.
  • B. Ferjančić, Despoti u Vizantiji i južnoslovenskim zemljama, Beograd 1960.
  • B. Ferjančić , Sevastokratori i kesari u Srpskom carstvu, ZFFB X-1 (1970) 255-269
  • M. Šuica, O kesaru Grguru, ZRVI 34 (1995) 163-172
  • J. Kalić, Despot Stefan i Nikola Gorjanski, 95-102.
  • Leksikon srpskog srednjeg veka, Beograd 1999.
  • S. Novaković, Vizantijski činovi i titule u srpskim zemljama XI-XV veka, Glas SKA LXXVIII (1908) 178-280.