
History – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Social History of Russia and Eastern Europe in the 20th century
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 7
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: completed requirements for previous year and knowledge of a foreign language

Course objectives: An introduction to the major events and phenomena in the social history of Russia/USSR and developing an understanding with a holistic view of modern Russian(and USSR)history in the context of European and World history.

Course description: This course is devoted to examining the social history of Russia/USSR, by analyzing the most important social, demographic and economic aspects of development of nations in these territories during the 20th century and the effects of those developments on contemporary social phenomena(ideology, political change and social developments, demographic change and migration, daily life etc) A special focus will be put on analyzing the broad transformations from pre-industrial society to rapid industrial development(socio-modernization), to the beginnings of post-industrial, consumer society and its engaging in the process of globalization, multi-cultural world and technology.

Learning Outcomes: The ability to understand, critique and describe major issues, processes and phenomena from modern Russian/USSR history - factually, conceptually and problematically by using contemporary scholarly research.

  • Mihail Geler, Aleksandar Nekrič, Utopija na vlasti. Istorija Sovjetskog Saveza, Podgorica 2000
  • Miroslav Jovanović, Ruska emigracija na Balkanu 1920-1940, Beograd 1996
  • Fransoa Fire, Prošlost jedne iluzije. Komunizam u dvadesetom veku, Beograd 1996.
  • Aleksandar Zinovjev, Polet naše mladosti. Književno-sociološki esej o staljinizmu, Beograd 1985.
  • Oleg Ajrapetov, Generali, liberali, preduzetnici: Rad za front i za revoluciju (1907-1917), Beograd 2005.
  • G. Boffa, Povijest Sovjetskog saveza I-II, Rijeka 1985.
  • V.A. Kozlov, Nepoznati SSSR. Sukobi naroda i vlasti (1953-1985), Beograd 2007.
  • Sheila Fitzpatrick, Everyday Stalinism: Ordinary Life in Extraordinary Times. Soviet Russia in the 1930s, Oxford 1999.
  • E.Ю. Zubkova, Obщestvo i reformы 1945-1964, M. 1993
  • Miroslav Jovanović, “Staljinizam”, u: Istorijski glasnik 1-2 (1993), 103-119.