History – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 9.00
History of the Early Middle Ages
Status: compulsory Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 9.00
Pre-requisites: no special requirements
Course objectives: Students will be present with European history from the 5th to the 11th century charted by the main developments, during which a focus will be put on the idea of Empires and the political and social powers that supported them.
Course description: Late roman state an society; christian Church, migrations of people groups, French state during the era of the Merovingians an Carolingians; creation of England; holy roman empire of the germanic people in the 10th and 11th century; Norman England; France in the 10th and 11th century; Clinian movement and reform of the church; Kievian Russia, spanish Reconquistadors
Learning Outcomes: Students will have gained knowledge on the primary directions of history in Europe and the northern Mediterranean in early middle ages (5th-11th century)
- M. Brandt, Srednjovjekovno doba povijesnog razvitka, Zagreb 1980 (2. izd. 1995) - poglavlja I-VII i XI-XIII.
- S. Peinter, Istorija srednjeg veka (284 – 1500), Beograd 1997 (do str. 284)
- Dž. Linč, Istorija srednjovekovne Crkve, Beograd 1999 (do str. 197)
- M. Antonović, Narativni izvori za istoriju Evrope. Srednji vek, Beograd 2007 (2. izd. 2009)
- A. Franzen, Pregled povijesti Crkve, Zagreb 1988 (do poglavlja 29)
- A. L. Morton, Istorija Engleske, Sarajevo 1955 (do str. 46)
- E. Peroa, R, Duse, A. Latrej, Istorija Francuske I, Beograd 1961 (str. 34-156)
- P. Rokaj, Z. Đere, T. Pal, A. Kasaš, Istorija Mađara, Beograd 2002 (do str. 47)
- Istorija Rusije, prir. D. Obolenski i R. Oti, Beograd 2003 (do str. 91)
- Dž. B. Bjuri, Varvarska invazija na Evropu, Beograd 2010.
- P. Braun, Uspon hrišćanstva na Zapadu: Trijumf i raznolikost 200–1000. godine, Beograd 2010.
- Ž. Dibi, Hiljadita godina, Sremski Karlovci – Novi Sad 2018.
- Dž. M. H. Smit, Evropa posle Rima: Nova kulturna istorija (od 500. do 1000. godine), Beograd 2006.
- S. Mičel, Istorija poznog Rimskog carstva, 284-641: Preobražaj antičkog sveta, Beograd 2010.
- P. Geary, Mit o nacijama. Srednjovekovno poreklo Evrope, Novi Sad 2007.
- Ž. Kalmet, Feudalno društvo, Sarajevo 1964.
- F. B. Alvares, H. H. Pećaroman, Istorija Španije, Beograd 2003 (str. 24–61)
- K. Bek, Istorija Venecije, Beograd 1998 (do str. 28)
- M. Fulbruk, Kratka istorija Nemačke, Beograd 2013 (do str. 19)
- K. Vikam, Nasleđe Rima. Evropa i Mediteran 400-1000, Beograd 2020.