History – Master’s Degree 2014
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Culture and the Arts in Medieval Serbia
Status: optional Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: No specific requirements, but it is desirable for candidates to have taken Old Church Slavic 1&2.
Course objectives: Introducing students to the diversity and richness of cultural happenings in Serbia in the Middle Ages.
Course description: The materials we will work with are organized according by theme:liturgical books and their availability and use in Serbia, forms and influence in liturgical worship, byzantine and other foreign ideals in serbian literature, serbian national cults, organization of monastery libraries, scriptorium in serbia.
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge of daily life and activities of the church in the Middle ages, of monastery culture, literary happenings, monks as bearers of new thought and ideas, monastery libraries, medieval translation.
- D.Bogdanović, Istorija stare srpske književnosti, Beograd 1980
- D.Popović, Pod okriljem svetosti, Beograd 2006
- T.Subotin-Golubović, Sveti apostol Luka - poslednji zaštitnik srpske Despotovine, u: Čudo u slovenskim kulturama, Novi Sad 2000, 167-178
- D.Bogdanović, Studije iz srpske srednjovekovne književnosti, Beograd 1997 (samo odabrane studije, u dogovoru sa kandidatom).
- Đ.Trifunović, Azbučnik, Beograd 1991 (odabrane odrednice)
- Đ.Trifunović, Ka počecima srpske pismenosti, Beograd 2001 (odabrani delovi)
- Leksikon srpskog srednjeg veka. Priredili S.Ćirković i R.Mihaljčić, Beograd 1999
- T.Subotin-Golubović, Dve službe Joakimu Osogovskom, Arheografski prilozi 14 (1992) 105-134
- G.Birkfelner, Hilandarski rukopisi u Beču, Proučavanje srednjovekovnih južnoslovensih rukopisa. Zbornik radova sa III međunarodne hilandarske konferencije, SANU, Beograd 1995, 45-52.
- J.Prolović, Hilandarski rukopisi XIII i XIV veka u Beču i manastir Hilandar, Hilandarski zbornik 6 (1986) 163-269
- T.Subotin-Golubović, O dvema službama svetom Petru Koriškom. Manastir Crna Rijeka i sveti Petar Koriški, Priština - Beograd 1998, 211-217
- Prilog poznavanju bogosluženja u srpskoj crkvi krajem XIII veka, Hilandarski zbornik 10 (1998)153-177
- Apokrifi starozavetni (prema srpskim prepisima). Priredio i preveo T.Jovanović, Beograd 2005 (odabrani delovi)
- Apokrifi novozavetni. Priredio i preveo T.Jovanović, Beograd 2005 (odabrani tekstovi)