
History – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
History of Cyrillic Literacy
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 8
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: Passed exams in Old Slavonic Language 1 & 2.

Course objectives: An introduction to the history of the literacy of the cyrillic alphabet as it was used by various people groups during the Middle Ages.

Course description: Introductory lectures(creation and development of two slavic languages; forms of the glagolitic alphabet and its similiarities to cyrillic); examining the oldest cyrillic epigraphical items and their meaning for the development of the alphabet; types of cyrillic writing; cyrillic as used by various people groups(Russians, Bulgarians, Serbs); official and academic uses. During the practical component of the course, students will read and paleographically analyze applicable examples of texts/documents.

Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to identify texts written in different editions in the Old Slavonic language; be familiar with the stages of development in slavic literacy and be able to identify various orthographic norms.

  • P.Đorđić, Istorija srpske ćirilice, Beograd 1971(i više izdanja)
  • N.Rodić, G.Jovanović, Miroslavljevo jevanđelje.Kritičko izdanje, Beograd 1986.
  • G.Tomović, Morfologija ćiriličkih natpisa na Balkanu, Beograd 1974.
  • J.Vrana, Staroslavenski grafijski sistem i njegova fonetska realizacija, Radovi Zavoda za slavensku flologiju 5 (Zagreb 1963) 131-137
  • A.Belić, Učešće sv.Save i njegove škole u stvaranju nove redakcije srpskih ćirilskih spomenika, Svetosavski zbornik I, Beograd 1936, 210-276.
  • V.Mošin, Paleografski album na južnoslovenskoto kirilsko pismo, Skopje 1966.
  • D.Bogdanović,Katalog ćirilskih rukopisa manastira Hilandara. Paleografski album, Beograd 1978