
History – Master’s Degree 2014
History of Serbian Literacy & Calligraphy
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: Passed exams in Old Church Slavic 1 and 2.

Course objectives: An introduction to the cultural heritage of serbian medieval literacy and calligraphy and its specific characteristics.

Course description: The beginnings of serbian changes made to old church slavic, attempts to fill the void(11th-12th century), royal institutions and the seat of the episcopate as cultural and literary centers, social status behind book purchasers, famous serbian manuscripts; contents of a monastery library, analysis and estimation of the percentage of book production in light of preserved manuscripts that are available this present time.

Learning Outcomes: Familiarity with the coding of medieval books, principles behind scriptoriums and creation of books. The present state of preservation of calligraphy manuscripts

  • P.Đorđić, Istorija srpske ćirilice, Beograd 1971
  • D.Bogdanović, Metod opisa rukopisa u Arheografskom odeljenju Narodne biblioteke SR Srbije u Beogradu, Bibliotekar XX, sv.5 (1968) 361-390
  • D.Bogdanović, Stara srpska biblioteka, Letopis MS 408 (novembar - decembar 1971) 405-432, 588-620
  • D.Bogdanović, Stara srpska rukopisna knjiga i problem rekonstrkcije njenih fondova, Spomenica posvećena 130-godišnjici života i rada Biblioteke SANU, Posebna izdanja SANU, knj.CDLXXVI, Beograd 1974, 37 - 4
  • D.Bogdanović, Katalog ćirilskih rukopisa manastira Hilandara, Beograd 1978
  • T.Subotin-Golubović, Srpsko rukopisno nasleđe od 1557.godine do sredine XVII veka, Beograd 1999
  • L.Cernić, Pisari gračaničkog (lipljanskog) prologa-mineja. (Atribucija rukopisa kao mogućnost rekonstrukcije skriptorija), Arheografski prilozi 1 (1971) 133-166
  • L.Cernić, O atribuciji srednjovekovnih srpskih ćirilskih rukopisa, u: Tekstologija srednjovekovnih južnoslovenskih književnosti, Beograd 1981, 335-424
  • V.Mošina, Rukopisi Pećke patrijaršije, Starine Kosova i Metohije IV-V (1968-1971) 5-136
  • D.Bogdanović, Razvoj ćirilskog pisma u Srbiji do XV veka, Studije iz stare srpske književnosti, Beograd 1997, 128-164
  • T.Subotin-Golubović, Jedna grupa mineja Milutinovog vremena, Manastir Banjska i doba kralja Milutina, Niš - Kosovska Mitrovica - manastir Banjska 2007, 351-358