History – Master’s Degree 2014
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Early Modern History
Status: optional Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: Some fluency in relevant languages (english, french, german, italian, spanish). Possibility of traveling in Europe and the region, visiting museums, archives and libraries and networking with colleagues in other countries.
Course objectives: Students need to be introduced to indispensable foundational values, events and cultural mores from early european modernity , in order to interest them in the subject and be able to interpret ideas and pass them on. It is valuable to students to be provided with impetus for studying this time period in our region, by visiting archives (Dubrovnik, Vienna, Venice, Rome etc) and networking regionally and internationally. During the 20th century, especially in the 20's, it was precisely early modernists that, thanks to their erudite archival research, furthered the study of the historical metho
Course description: 16th century:European continental and marine expansion, renaissance, reformation, roman catholic reformation, monarchies, political theory, economic and social life, art. 17th century:statehood, religion and the church, economy, society, demography, science, education, art, political ideas, war, 17th century crises, France, Germany and Habsburg Monarchy, Spain, Scandinavia and Poland, Russia, Britain, Netherlands, classical and baroque Europe. 18th century:statehood, government and administration, monarchs and despots, diplomacy and international relations, banking and business, religion and church, enlightenment and its enemies, spread of Russia, German state and the rise of Prussia, Spain, Italy and the Mediterranean, France, England, Non-european territories, the dawn of the Revolution.
Learning Outcomes: Acquired necessary skills for entering into the professional field of the science. Mastering contemporary historical methods and research skills. Strengthening knowledge about certain phenomena of interest in early modernity.
- P. Chaunu, Civilizacija klasične Evrope, Bgd., 1977.
- Nikola Samardžić, Istorija Španije. Beograd, Plato, 2003, 2005 2. izd.
- Nikola Samardžić, Karlo V. Beograd, 2001, 2005 2. izd
- Nikola Samardžić, Francuska i Turska. 1687-1691. Beograd, 1992
- M. Peri, Intelektualna istorija Evrope, Beograd 2000.
- F. Aries, Ž. Dibi (prir.), Istorija privatnog života 3, Beograd 2002.
- F. Brodel, Mediteran i mediteranski svet u doba Filipa II, I-II, Bgd., 2001.
- F. Brodel, Spisi o istoriji, Beograd 1992.
- Danijel Dž. Borstin, Svet otkrića. Pripovest o čovekovoj potrazi za spoznajom sveta i sebe samog, Beograd, Geopoetika, 2001.
- F. Brodel, Materijalna civilizacija, ekonomija i kapitalizam od XV do XVIII veka, I-III, Beograd-Novi Sad 2007.