History – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Recommended Year of Study: 2
Recommended Semester: 3
ECTS Credits Allocated: 8.50
History of the serbian people (16th-18th century)
Status: compulsory Recommended Year of Study: 2
Recommended Semester: 3
ECTS Credits Allocated: 8.50
Pre-requisites: Regular class attendance and fulfillment of academic obligations.
Course objectives: This course introduces the most important problems and circumstances the serbs faced under turkish and austrian rule and addresses problems of integration and acculturation in territories where christian and islamic cultural circles touched and clashed.
Course description: The theoretical component is composed of lectures on the foundational problems and developments in the history of the Serbs under turkish and habsburg rule. We will focus on problems in the social structure, demographic circumstances , migrations, national and social institutions,influence of austro-turkish and venetian-turkish wars on opportunities and circumstances in our land, economic circumstances and daily life. The practical component consists of two parts – consultations in small groups of students working on independent projects on specific issues, and, presenting findings to classmates, including discussion. The goal is for students to be capable of independent work, scientific argumentation, critically assessing historical sources and literature, and present their findings in written and oral form.
Learning Outcomes: By covering the material,methods and arguments in the historiography of the subject, students will gain an understanding of the continuing issues the serbian people faced from the 16th to the 18th century, which will give them a foundation from which to critically re-assess them.
- Istorija srpskog naroda, III-IV, Beograd 1986-1993.
- Istorija Crne Gore, 3, Titograd 1975.
- Đoko Slijepčević, Istorija Srpske pravoslavne crkve, I, Beograd 2002, 277-450.
- Dušanka Bojanić, Turski zakoni i zakonski propisi iz XV i XVI veka za smederevsku, kruševačku i vidinsku oblast, Beograd 1974.
- Dejan Mikavica, Vladan Gavrilović i Goran Vasin, Znamenita dokumenta za istoriju srpskog naroda (1538-1918), Novi Sad 2007, 9-139.
- Vojin S. Dabić, Vojna krajina. Karlovački generalat (1530-1746), Beograd 2000, 9-140, 258-264.
- Gligor Stanojević, Jugoslovenske zemlje u mletačko-turskim ratovima XVI-XVIII vijeka, Beograd 1970.
- Vojin S. Dabić, Banska krajina (1688-1751), Beograd-Zagreb 1984, 9-61, 149-175.
- Slavko Gavrilović, Isaija Đaković, arhimandrit grgeteški, episkop jenopoljski i mitropolit krušedolski, Zbornik MS za istoriju, 74, 2006, 7-34.
- Napomena: dopunska literatura se određuje za svakog studenta pojedinačno prema njegovim interesovanjima i potrebama nastave