History – Master’s Degree 2014
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Modern Western European Political History
Status: optional Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: Completed undergraduate studies and knowledge of a foreign language
Course objectives: Introduction to the major events and phenomena from the political history of Western Europe(from World War I to the end of the 1990's) and providing students with a methodological and factual basis for independently researching topics in this field of interest.
Course description: Political history of western European countries from World War I to the end of the cold war, placing an emphasis on events and processes that shaped the most prominent phenomena and happenings during this time. European countries during World War I and II:occupation and alliances, resistance movements and collaborations, the holocaust; a new European vision post-war. Charting major events and occurrences in european history during the Cold War period; from the german question to the beginning of european integration; renewal and rise of a western European economy/market; influences and directions in social and political movements and their dynamics.
Learning Outcomes: Students will be capable of conducting independent scientific research in the area of modern history.
- Mitrović Andrej, Vreme netrpeljivih, Beograd, 1974.
- Mazower, Mark, Dark Continent. Europe’s Twentieth Century, New York, 2000.
- Berghan, V.R., Modern Germany. Society, economy and politics, New York, Melbourne, Sidney, 1987.
- Kuljić, Todor, Fašizam. Sociološko-istorijska studija, Beograd 1988
- Cobban, Alfred, A History of Modern France, vol. 3 1871-1962, London, 1965
- P. Kalvokorezi- Vint, G, Totalni rat, Beograd, 1987.
- Šabo, Frederik, Savremena Italija (1918-1948), Beograd, 1978
- Gedis L. J. Hladni rat, Beograd, 2003.
- Laker V, Evropa posle Drugog svetskog rata, Beograd 1991
- Šmale, Volfgang, Istorija evropske ideje, Beograd, 2002