
History – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Introduction to Ancient Studies
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 7
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: Successfully passed exam in Ancient History (Greek, Near-Eastern, Roman)

Course objectives: Acquisition of fundamental knowledge related to the research methodology in Ancient History.

Course description: Chronological and spatial framework for Ancient History. Fundamental preconditions for studying Ancient History: chronology, geography, anthropology. Types and characteristics of sources: 1. historical sources (primary: documents and contemporary literature, historiography); 2. material and cultural monuments and artifacts. "Ancillary sciences": epigraphy, papyrology, numismatics. Ancient History in kindred scientific disciplines (Classics, Egyptology, Assyriology, Hittitology, Iranian studies, Etruscology, Indo-European studies, classical and near-eastern archaeology, history of law). Manuals, lexicons, atlases, thematic literature, periodicals, bibliography, collections of sources. History and theory of science.

Learning Outcomes: Acquisition of fundamental knowledge related to the research methodology in Ancient History.

  • E. Hornung, Einführung in die Ägyptologie. Stand, Methoden, Aufgaben. Darmstadt 1967.
  • W. Arend (urednik), Geschchte in Quellen, I: Altertum, Muenchen 1965.
  • L. de Blois-J. van der Spek, Einfuehrung in die Alte Welt, Stuttgart 1994.
  • M. Clauss, Einfuehrung in die Alte Geschichte, Muenchen 1993.
  • M. Crawford (urednik) Sources for Ancient History, Cambridge 1983
  • M.I. Finley, Ancient History: Evidence and Models, New York 1986.
  • D. Vollmer, Alte Geschichte in Studium und Unterricht. Eine Einfuerung mit kommentiertem Literaturverzeichnis, Stuttgart 1994. (aktuelna literatura na internetu http://www.sehlmeyer.privat.t-online.de
  • E. Olshausen, Einfuehrung in die historische Geographie der Alten Welt, Darmstadt 1991.
  • E.J. Bickerman, Chronology of the Ancient World, Ithaca 1950 (drugo izdanje).
  • M. Morley, Writing Ancient History, London 1999.
  • K. Maister, Einfuerung in die Interpretation historischen Quellen 1: Griechenland; 2: Rom, Paderborn 1996/99. (sa primerima tumačenja)
  • K. Christ, Neue Profile der Alten Geschichte, Darmstadt 1990.
  • Richard Wilkinson (Ed), Egyptology Today, Cambridge 2008.