History – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Recommended Year of Study: 2
Recommended Semester: 3
ECTS Credits Allocated: 8.00
French Language 2
Status: optional Recommended Year of Study: 2
Recommended Semester: 3
ECTS Credits Allocated: 8.00
Pre-requisites: Completed course in French Language 1.
Course objectives: Mastering general academic language and language of subject specific fields by developing reading, writing and speaking skills and translating content specific texts. Using French dictionaries, glossaries and domain literature.
Course description: The course concentrates on the subject matter topics studied at the Faculty of Philosophy. It focuses on learning LSP, analyzing and using authentic content specific texts. Different language registers and styles are studied using various text types. Texts are selected according to authenticity and reliability of sources, as well as contemporariness if possible. The topic selection depends on students’ profiles and interests, having in mind the disciplinary heterogeneity of the group. Different strategies and techniques are used for developing reading skills, vocabulary learning, finding, memorizing and transmitting information, note taking, summarizing etc.
Learning Outcomes: Students should acquire B2+/C1 (CERFL) level in receptive and productive skills and should be able to use domain literature in their specific fields of study.
- Vidić, J., Francuski jezik 2 - izbor tekstova za studente svih odeljenja Filozofskog fakulteta
- Jovanović, S., Savremeni francusko-srpskohrvatski rečnik s gramatikom, Prosveta, Beograd 1991.
- Putanec, V., Francusko-hrvatski rečnik, Školska knjiga, Zagreb 1995.
- Le Petit Robert, Dictionnaires Le Robert, Paris.
- Petit Larousse Illustré, Larousse, Paris.
- Grandet, E., Corsain, M., Mineni, E., Rainoldi, M., Activités pour le Cadre européen commun de référence – niveau B2, Clé International, Paris 2007.
- Truzer-Sabatelli, F., Montémont, J.-L., Poisson-Quinton, S., DALF – 450 activités, + Corrigés, Clé International, Paris 2001.
- Charnet, C. , Robin-Nipi, J., Rédiger un résumé, un compte rendu, une synthèse, + Corrigés , Hachette – FLE, Paris, 1997.