
History – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
French Language 1
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: Eight years of previous study and/or B1 level in French according to the CERFL.

Course objectives: Acquiring morphosyntactic and syntactic structures relevant to French for Academic Purposes in the Faculty of Philosophy specific fields of study. Developing receptive skills (reading and listening). Learning about French culture and civilization.

Course description: The course focuses on general academic topics. Language learning comprises developing grammar structures, reading, listening and general academic vocabulary of the Faculty of Philosophy specific fields of study. Grammar: 1. Nouns. Adjectives and Pronouns. 2. Verbs. Moods and Tenses. Active and Passive Voice. Impersonal Forms: infinitives and participles. 3. Syntax. Relative and Noun Clauses. Expressing time, cause, consequence, purpose, condition, comparison, concession and contrast using various language forms.

Learning Outcomes: Students should acquire B1+/B2 (CERFL) level in listening and reading.

  • Vidić, J., Francuski jezik 1 - izbor tekstova za studente I godine Filozofskog fakulteta (štampani i audio materijal)
  • Vidić, J., Améliorez votre français – exercices de grammaire - 2, Zavod za udžbenike, 4. izd, Beograd, 2007.
  • Poisson-Quinton, S., Mimran, R., Mahéo-Le Coadic, M., Grammaire expliquée du français, Clé International/VUEF, 2002.