
History – Master’s Degree 2014
Ancient Egypt: Administration
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: No prerequisites

Course objectives: The objective of this course is to introduce students to the nature, methods and functions of one of the most important institutions of pharaonic Egypt

Course description: By analyzing four administrative branches in pharaonic Egypt(court, temple, central treasury and granary) that comprised the organizational foundation of the egyptian state, this course will theoretically and practically explore the value of these branches in the functioning of the state:relations between the center and provinces, social mobility and the 'old aristocracy' as present in the above mentioned institutions, micro and macro economics of ancient Egypt

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge of the nature, methods and functions of one of the most important institutions of pharaonic Egypt

  • B. Kemp, Ancient Egypt: Anatomy of a Civilization, London 1993
  • S. Quirke, The Administration of Egypt in the Late MK, New Malden 1990
  • D. Warburton, State and economy in ancient Egypt. Fribourg 1997
  • W. Helck, Zur Verwaltung des Mittleren und Neuen Reichs, Leiden 1975
  • B. Haring, Divine Households, Leiden 1997
  • L. Gestermann, Kontinuität und Wandel in Politik und Verwaltung,Wiesbaden 1987