
History – Master’s Degree 2014
The Serbs under the Habsburg monarchy from the beginning of the 16th-end of the 18th century
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: Regular class attendance and fulfillment of academic responsibilities

Course objectives: An introduction to the most important issues and opportunities facing the Serbs under austrian rule; addressing the issue of serbian involvement in the habsburg military, migrations, social integration into a western feudal society, and forms of religious and social organization.

Course description: Theoretical component:lecture on major issues and developments in the history of the Serbian people under the Habsburg Monarchy. The course will focus on migrations, social structure and integration into a western feudal society, demography, national and social institutions, agrarian relations, economics, acculturation and daily life. Practical component:evaluating particular issues through preserved and unpreserved(depending on students experience in latin, german, italian))historical sources and documents. The goal is for students to be able to conduct independent work, scientific argumentation and critical assessment of sources and literature, as well as present their findings in written and oral form.

Learning Outcomes: Students will be gain a long-term base of knowledge for critically assessing questions in the history of the Serbs during the Habsburg Monarchy and be prepared for independent work in the field and writing short scientific papers.

  • Istorija srpskog naroda, III-IV, Beograd 1993.
  • Aleksa Ivić, Istorija Srba u Vojvodini od najstarijih vremena do osnivanja Potisko-pomoriške granice (1703), Novi Sad 1929.
  • Vojin S. Dabić, Vojna krajina. Karlovački generalat (1530-1746), Beograd 2000, 9-140, 258-264.
  • Vojin S. Dabić, Banska krajina (1688-1751), Beograd-Zagreb 1984, 9-61, 149-175.
  • Slavko Gavrilović, Isaija Đaković, arhimandrit grgeteški, episkop jenopoljski i mitropolit krušedolski, Zbornik MS za istoriju, 74, 2006, 7-34.
  • Slavko Gavrilović, Studije iz privredne i društvene istorije Vojvodine i Slavonije od kraja XVII do sredine XIX veka, N. Sad 2006.
  • Karl Kaser, Slobodan seljak i vojnik, II, Zagreb, 1997.
  • Akoš Koroknai, Problemi zadruge u Podunavskoj i Potiskoj granici (1686-1723), Istraživanja 3, 1974, 41-143.
  • Dušan Popović i Milica Bogdanović, Građa za istoriju Beograda od 1717. do 1739, Beograd 1958.
  • Napomena: dopunska literatura se određuje za svakog studenta pojedinačno prema njegovim interesovanjima i potrebama nastave