
History – Master’s Degree 2009
Serbian Political Parties in the 19th and early 20th Century
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: no special requirements

Course objectives: To gain knowledge on the subject of political and political party history in the Dukedom and Kingdom of Serbia

Course description: The beginning of party-politics and gathering in Serbia and the dissemination of political ideology from the east and west; models and adaptations of liberal, socialist, conservative and radical ideas to the forming of the first political parties. Party constitutionalization, programs, social structure, leadership and tactics. Analyzing party models- public and private party politics; comparing main concepts in the political programs and their applications.

Learning Outcomes: Working with historical sources, detecting important issues and methodologically addressing them, critical approach with sources

  • R. V. Krestić, R. Ljušić, Programi i statuti srpskih političkih stranaka do 1918, Beograd 1991.
  • Dragoslav Janković, Rađanje parlamentarne demokratije, Političke stranke u Srbiji XIX veka, Beograd 1997.
  • Milivoje Popović, Borbe za parlamentarni režim u Srbiji, Beograd 1939.
  • S. Rajić, Beleške Milana S. Piroćanca, Beograd 2004.
  • Andrija Radenić, Radikalna stranka i Timočka buna. Istorija Radikalne stranke – doba naprednjaštva, 1 – 2, Zaječar 1988.
  • Zbornik radova, Srpske političke generacije 1788 – 1918, Beograd 1998, (grupa autora)
  • Radojević Miodrag, Srpski ustavi: 1835 – 1990, Beograd 2004.
  • Olga Obradović-Popović, Parlamentarizam u Srbiji od 1903. do 1914, Beograd 1998.
  • Suzana Rajić, "Memoari srpskih liberala", u: Zbornik radova: Pero i povest.Srpsko društvo u sećanjima, Beograd 1999.
  • Živan Živanović, Politička istorija Srbije u drugoj polovini 19. veka, 1-4, Beograd 1923-1925.
  • Milovan Đ. Milovanović, "O parlamentarnoj vladi", Beograd 1888.
  • Jaša Prodanović, "Istorija političkih stranaka i struja u Srbiji", Beograd 1947.