
History – Master’s Degree 2009
Economic Geography of Serbia and Bosnia in the Middle Ages
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: Students are required to be familiar with contemporary physical geography main historical events from the political history of Serbia and Bosnia. Some proficiency in either english or another foreign language is desirable because of access to relevant texts.

Course objectives: Students gain a deeper understanding of the problematics by applying findings from sister disciplines - archeology, art history and diplomacy.

Course description: This course is the first attempt to address our local and regional economic geography during the period of "the long middle ages". According to its basic clauses, economic geography attempts to study location, configuration and spatial organization of economic activity in one region, and can be divided into many fields of study. This course examines the spatial division of natural and economic resources in Serbia and Bosnia, and based on that information, will address the spatial configuration of specific economic occurrences. In the pre-industrial period, most of the populations economic means were derived from work in agriculture and animal husbandry, including wine production, while a smaller portion of the population worked in mining, trade, craftsmanship and service industries. All of these industries will be examined according to their historical and spatial contexts.

Learning Outcomes: Students gain a deeper understanding of the problematics by applying findings from sister disciplines - archeology, art history and diplomacy.

  • E. Ðoković, R. Šećibović, Regionalna ekonomska geografija I – Evropa, CID, Beograd, 2003.
  • J. Dinić, Ekonomska geografija, Ekonomski fakultet, Beograd 1999.
  • M. Blagojević, Zemljoradnja u srednjovekovnoj Srbiji, Beograd 2004, drugo dopunjeno izdanje.
  • R. Katić, Stočarstvo u srednjovekovnoj Srbiji
  • G. Škrivanić, Putevi u srednjovekovnoj Srbiji, Beograd 1974.
  • S. Ćirković, Istorija srednjovekovne bosanske države, Beograd 1964.
  • Arheološki leksikon Bosne i Hercegovine 1-3, Sarajevo 1988.
  • D. Kovačević-Kojić, Gradska naselja srednjovjekovne Bosne, Sarajevo 1978.
  • Staro srpsko rudarstvo, Beograd 2004.
  • Kovačević D., Trgovina u srednjovjekovnoj Bosni, Djela ANUBiH knj. XVIII, Sarajevo 1961.
  • Mišić S., Humska zemlja, Beograd 1996.
  • S. Mišić, Korišćenje unutrašnjih voda u srednjovekovnoj Srbiji, Beograd 2007.
  • Mrgić–Radojčić J., Donji Kraji. Krajina srednjovekovne Besne, Beograd 2002.
  • Mrgić–Radojčić J., Rethinking the Territorial Development of the Medieval Bosnian State, IČ LI (2004) 43–64.
  • Mrgić J., Transition from Late Medieval to Early Ottoman Settlement Patterns, Südost-Forschungen 65-66 (2006-2007), 50-86.
  • Pašalić E., Antička naselja i komunikacije u Bosni i Hercegovini, Sarajevo 1960.
  • Handžić A., O značaju putova za razvitak gradskih naselja u Bosni u XVI i XVII stoljeću, Prilozi 13 (1977) 73–77.
  • Ćirković S., Neostvarena autonomija: gradsko društvo u Srbiji i Bosni, u: Rabotnici, vojnici, duhovnici, 259-276.