
History – Doctoral Degree 2014
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 2
Recommended Semester: 3
ECTS Credits Allocated: 10.00
Pre-requisites: Passed exams according to the University of Philosophy's program standards.

Course objectives: Through theoretical and practical work doctoral candidates will research the most relevant questions in archiving - theory and practice - (developing methodological approaches in the areas of archive materials, setting professional standards, publishing, rules).

Course description: Theoretical component: Introduction to archiving. Theoretical-methodological approaches in research, Philosophy of Archiving, History of archiving in Europe, international archive organizations, legal archiving, protection of archive materials in other forms(church materials), editing and formatting archival material(scientific material), cultural-academic and IT aspects of archiving, publishing archival material, education and professional training for archivists, passing the exam. Practical component: Visiting archive sites in Serbia, Monte Negro and SANU. Working with archive materials and conducting research. Total class hours:20.

Learning Outcomes: Doctoral candidates will be capable of applying the theoretical model of research to contemporary issues in the practice of archiving (manual preparation, scientific resources, publishing material, archiving information systems).

  • B.Lekić,Arhivistika,Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva,Beograd 2006
  • Laura A.Millar, Archives principles and practices, Facet Publishing, London 2010.
  • Christopher Kitching, Archive Buildings in the United Kingdom 1993-2005,Phillmore,West Sussex, 2007.
  • Amanda Bevan, Tracing your Ancestors in the National Archives,The National Archives,London2007
  • Arhivska građa kao izvor za istoriju,Beograd 2000.
  • The Treasure Houses of Austria, The Austrian State Archives,Federal Press Service,Vienna 1996.
  • What are Archives, Cultural and Theoretical Perspectives, Edited by Louise Craven,Ashgate,Hampshire 2008.