
Archaeology – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Palestine archaeology – Epipaleolithic – Bronze Age
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 4.00
Pre-requisites: None

Course objectives: Acquiring basic knowledge regarding Palestinian cultures, from the beginning of Epipaleolithic, C.A. 18,000 B.C., to the end of Early Bronze IV, C.A. 2,000 B.C., along with the development of critical data reviewing skills.

Course description: Geographic charasteristics and paleoecological conditions in East Levant. Epipaleolithic: the hunter gatherer complex. Sedentism. Aceramic Neolithic. Technical innovations, plant and animal domestication. Formation of complex societies. Ceramic Neolithic. Cult, ideology, symbolism. Chalcolithic. Metallurgy, temples, trade. Early Bronze I-IV: rise and collapse of urbane culture.

Learning Outcomes: Midterm examination in the 7th week and final written examination.

  • Mazar, A., 1990, Archaeology of the Land of the Bible 10.000-586 B.C.E. New York et al.: Doubleday [str. 35-173].
  • Valla, F. 1998 The First Settled Societies – Natufian (12.500 - 10.200 BP). Pp. 169-187 in The Archaeology of Society in the Holy Land, ed. T. E. Levy. London and Washington: Leicester University Pres
  • Banning, E. B. 1998 The Neolithic Period: Triumphs of Architecture, Agriculture and Art. Near Eastern Archaeology 61/4: 188-237.
  • Ben-Tor, A. ed. 1992 The Archaeology of Ancient Israel. New Haven and London: Yale University Press [str. 40-125].
  • Amiran, R. 1969 Ancient Pottery of the Holy Land. Jerusalem: Massada Press Ltd [str. 17-89].
  • Sava P. Tutundžić, 2007, Južni Levant u halkolitskom periodu. Beograd: Srpsko arheološko društvo.
  • Levy, T.E. 1986 The Chalcolithic Period. Biblical Archaeologist 49/2: 82-198.
  • Anđelković, B., 2002, Southern Canaan as an Egyptian Protodynastic Colony. Cahiers Caribéens d`Egyptologie 3-4: 75-92.
  • Stager, L. W., 1992, The Periodization of Palestine from Neolithic through Early Bronze Times. Pp. 22-41 in Chronologies in Old World Archaeology, ed. R.W.Ehrich. Chicago and London: UCP.