Archaeology – Master’s Degree 2009
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 2
ECTS Credits Allocated: 20.00
Master Thesis
Status: compulsory Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 2
ECTS Credits Allocated: 20.00
Pre-requisites: To have passed all the examinations proscribed by the study plan.
Course objectives: The use of acquired theoretical and methodological knowledge. Demonstration of a methodic and systematic research process, Affirmation of the candidate for independent research work.
Course description: The Master thesis presents candidate’s independent research project results in written form. The topic will be chosen according to the student’s scientific interests agreed upon by the mentor. The final paper will have to be written in a scientific and competent manner, with quoted references in the text or at the end as well as indexed additions (drawings, maps, tables etc.). The paper must contain an introduction, a section with the discussion, and finally a conclusion. If necessary and in agreement with the mentor there should be one or more additional captions where the research process would be explained (theoretical part, experimental, catalog, etc.).
Learning Outcomes: