
Archaeology – Master's Degree 2014
Illyrians and Thracians in Pre Roman Time
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: None

Course objectives: Introducing students to written and archaeological data regarding Paleobalkan societies in the second half of the I millennium B.C.

Course description: Basic information regarding Illyrians and Thracians based on written classical sources. Short review of material and spiritual culture of Paleobalkan tribes that in the I millennium B.C. inhabited western Balkan region. Defining the boundaries between major Illyrian tribes and their neighboring tribal alliances in the pre roman times (Japodians, Lyburnians, Dalmatians, Illyrians propriae dicti, Autariats, Ardieans, etc.); Overview of material and spiritual culture of Thracian tribes (Odrisians, Beses, Gets, etc.); Short history of how mighty Thracian kingdoms developed from the beginning of the V century B.C. until the arrival of the Celts in Thracia (270 B.C.); Peonians in the Vardar and Strumica valley, and their relation to the northern Greek tribes.

Learning Outcomes: Midterm examination and oral examination.

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  • ANCIENT GOLD: THE WEALTH OF THE THRACIANS.Treasures from the Republic of Bulgaria. Catalog of exhibition(ed.Ivan Marazov),Harry N.Abrams, New York 1998.