Archaeology – Master’s Degree 2009
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Romanization and Urbanization
Status: optional Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: None
Course objectives: Students will learn about the relation of pre Roman and roman settlements, the influence of trade, craftsmanship, military presence and monetary policy, to the development of a functional complex of Roman provinces.
Course description: Pre Roman village settlements (continuity or discontinuity of life during the 7th decade of the I century A.D.); formation of veteran estates; organization of peregrine civitates; the beginning of roman settlement and the role of traders in the process; role of the military; circulation of Roman money as well as coins from Dyrrahion and Apollonia in the I century B.C.; cessation of burials with weapons as a sign of Romanization; tombs with carts; grave goods as proof of a Roman burial; tombstones as an expression of Romanization; autochthonous traditions in jewelry making; bullae; acorn and anchor fibulae as an expression of ius italicus.
Learning Outcomes: Essay and oral examination
- O.Brukner - V.Dautova-Ruševljan - P.Milošević, Počeci romanizacije u jugoistočnom delu provincije Panonije, Novi Sad 1987.
- M.Mirković, Rimski gradovi na Dunavu u Gornjoj Meziji, Beograd 1968.
- A.Jovanović, Rimske nekropole na teritoriji Jugoslavije, Beograd 1984.
- M.Mirković, Die Festung und die Stadt an der Donau, Römische Städte und Festungen an der Donau, Beograd 2005.
- S.Ferjančić, Naseljavanje legijskih veterana u balkanskim provincijama, Beograd 2002.
- R.Zotović, Population and Economy of the Eastern Part of the Roman Province of Dalmatia, BAR International Series 1060, 2002.
- F. Vittinghoff, Munizipalisierung des lateinschen Donau-Balkanraums, ANRW,II,6
- I. Popović, Certain Traits of the Roman Silver Jewelry Manufacture in the Central Balkans, Starinar 47, Beograd 1996.