
Archaeology – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
The Architecture from Renaissance to Postmodernism (Bachelor’s Degree)
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 7
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: The attendance at the lectures is mandatory. The Final Test at the end of the semester is mandatory.

Course objectives: The goal of the course is to get a student introduced with the historical development of architectural structures and shapes from early renaissance to deconstructivism, including the acquirement of epochal classification, synthetic and monographic topics, and possibility of practical knowledge appliance.

Course description: The content of the course is the review of the development of architectural styles, types, structures, theories, ideologies, as well as individual poetics of major authors. The focus is also on comparing and evaluating similarities and differences among reviewed periods, as well as the differentiation between profane and sacral heritage, and critical approach towards the sources and literature.

Learning Outcomes: The course is designed to acquire students with essential and thorough knowledge about the development of global architecture from early renaissance to deconstructivism, including the possibility of practical knowledge appliance.

  • V. Mako, Barokna umetnost i oblikovanje prostora, Arhitektonske sveske 18, Beograd 1997, 15-18.
  • N. Kurtović-Folić, Paladio – arhitekta za sva vremena (I-III), Izgradnja 6, Beograd 1996, 379-385, Izgradnja 3, Beograd 1998, 145-159, Izgradnja 4, Beograd 1998, 197-202.
  • K. J. Zembah, Art Nouveau, u: Istorija moderne arhitekture 1. Koreni modernizma, priredio M. R. Perović, Beograd 1997, 393-399.
  • K. Frempton, Moderna arhitektura. Kritička istorija, Beograd 2004, 57-66, 123-129, 149-166, 224-230.
  • P. Marej, Arhitektura italijanske renesanse, Beograd 2005, 63-104, 143-160.
  • M. Traktenberg, I. Hajman, Arhitektura od praistorije do postmodernizma, Beograd 2006, 277-290, 294-308, 311-318, 330-340, 348-364, 368-371, 400-410, 420-448, 478-492, 499-500, 503-508, 510-518, 536-551, 569-575.
  • Z. Sokol Gojnik, A. Crnčević, M. O. Štićaroci, Utjecaji na preobrazbe kršćanske liturgijske arhitekture do 20. stoljeća, Prostor 19, Zagreb 2011, 289-295.
  • Z. Gideon, Prostor, vreme, arhitektura, Beograd 2012, 59-72, 110-121, 292.322, 388-392, 396-429, 518-618.
  • Đ. Vazari, Životi slavnih slikara, vajara i arhitekata, Beograd 1961, 50-86, 107-111, 191-199.
  • G.Hatje (urednik), Enciklopedija moderne arhitekture, Beograd 1965.
  • P. Portoghesi, Teme baroka, u: Jedinstvena vizija arhitekture (prir. S. Selinkić), Beograd 1989, 22-34.
  • P. Portoghesi, Šta je postmoderno, u: Jedinstvena vizija arhitekture (priredio S. Selinkić), Beograd 1989, 148-150.
  • Dž. R. Kolins, Antonio Gaudi, u: Istorija moderne arhitekture 1, Koreni modernizma, priredio M. R. Perović, Beograd 1997, 422-455.
  • Rajt, Le Korbizje, Mis van der Roe, u: Istorija moderne arhitekture 2/A. Kristalizacija modernizma (priredio M. R. Perović), Beograd 1999, 25-551.
  • Dž. Samerson, Klasični jezik arhitekture, Beograd 2004.
  • V. Muller, G. Vogel, Atlas arhitekture 2, Beograd 2005, 415-564.
  • B. Zevi, Koncept za kontraistoriju arhitekture, Beograd 2007.
  • H. Hibard, Bernini, Beograd 2011.
  • Dž. R. Hejli, Rečnik italijanske renesanse, Beograd 2014.