Archaeology – Master's Degree 2014
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Socio Cultural Evolution in Archaeology and Anthropology
Status: optional Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: The command of the English language
Course objectives: To introduce students to the history and basic theoretical concepts of evolution of social thought, which are necessary for understanding, often controversial theoretical paradigms in archaeology (New Evolutionistic Archaeology).
Course description: The semester course Socio Cultural Evolution in Archaeology and Anthropology, which can be followed during the 1st semester of Master Studies, is a core subject for all students that chose a thesis in Theoretical Archaeology. The idea of evolution, as one of the most important paradigms in natural and social sciences, for centuries permeates almost all interpretations of human society both in the present as well as in the past, therefore it is unavoidable, but also a controversial concept in the study of humanities. Evolutionistic ideas, as well as sharp reactions and opposition to evolutionism, left a deep mark on the archaeological and anthropological theories. This conflict of ideas can be seen in the opposing paradigms of linear evolution of the culture particular school, culture historical archaeology, neo-evolutionistic anthropology, new archaeology, postprocessual archaeology, evolutionistic psychology and new evolutionistic archaeology.
Learning Outcomes: Class attendance, essay, written examination
- Bruce L. Trigger, Sociocultural Evolution, Blackwell, Oxford 1998.
- Elvin Hač, Antropološke teorije, “XX vek”, Beograd, 1979. (Knj. 1: str.1-100; 153-218)
- Jerry D. Moore, Uvod u antropologiju, Naklada Jasenski i Turk, Zagreb 2002. (17-68; 219-278)
- Stephen Shennan, Genes, Memes and Human History. Darwinian Archaeology and Cultural Evolution. Thames and Hudson, London 2002.
- Peter Richerson and Robert Boyd, Not by Genes Alone, University of Chicago Press, Chicago 2005.
- Sociobiologija (priredio Darko Polšek), Naklada Jasenski i Turk, Zagreb 1997.
- Aleksandar Palavestra i Marko Porčić, Arheologija, evolucionizam i darvinizam, Etnoantropološki problemi 6, 2008/2009.
- Robert Boyd and Peter Richerson, Culture and the Evolutionary Process. University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1985.
- Ben Sandford Cullen, Contagious Ideas. On evolution, culture, archaeology, and Cultural Virus Theory, Oxbow Books, Oxford, 2000.
- Michael Ruse, Drawinism and Its Diskontents, Cambridge University Press, cambridge 2006.
- Ričard Dokins, Sebični gen,Vuk Karadžić, Beograd 1979
- Evolucija društvenosti (priredili Josip Hrgović i Darko Polšek), Naklada Jasenski i Turk, Zagreb 2004.
- Nikola Tucić, Evolucija, čovek, društvo, Dosije – AAOM, Beograd 1999.
- Igor Kardum, Evolucija i ljudsko ponašanje, Naklada Jasenski i Turk, Zagreb 2003.
- Robert Wright, The Moral Animal, Abacus, London 1994.
- Felipe Fernandez-Armesto, So You Think You’re Human?, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2004.
- Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza, Genes, Peoples and Languages, Penguin Books, London 2001.
- Met Ridli, Crvena Kraljica, Dosije, Beograd 2004.
- Džared Dajmond, Mikrobi, puške, čelik, Dosije, Beograd 2004.