
Archaeology – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Introduction to Studying Archaeology
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 10.00
Pre-requisites: Beginning core subject, no prerequisites.

Course objectives: The concept of course Introduction to the Studies of Archaeology allows students, from the beginning of their studies, to familiarize themselves with basic archeological postulates: subject matter, history of ideas, basic concepts and the theoretical bearing in modern archaeology.

Course description: The course is conceived as a general introduction to archaeology, designed for first year students. During the two semesters, this subject covers the basic concepts of archaeology as a discipline and its place in society. An in-depth study of the history of archeological ideas is carried out, as well as of theoretical tendencies, starting from antiquarian beginnings to the newest methodological and theoretical theses. The course is divided into three parts. During the first part, the history of archaeology is reviewed, from the first recognition of the remnants of the past, across evolutionism and the discovery of great civilizations, to culture-historical archaeology. The history of archaeology in Serbia and southeastern Europe is covered in particular. In the second part, newer theoretical processes in archaeology are discussed, from Processual or “New Archaeology”, to the different kinds of post processual interpretations of the past. The third part of the course studies different kinds of archaeology, such as social, economic or cognitive archaeology, as well as its ethnic aspects and the importance of this discipline within the modern world.

Learning Outcomes: Midterm examination and oral examination.

  • D. Srejović i dr., Arheološki leksikon, Beograd, 1997.
  • C. Renfrew and P. Bahn, Archaeology. Theories, Methods and Practice, London, 2000.
  • Kevin Grin, Uvod u arheologiju, Clio, Beograd 2003.
  • B. Olsen, Od predmeta do teksta, Beograd, 2002.
  • C. W. Ceram, Bogovi, grobovi i učenjaci, Zagreb 1955. Strane: 1-277.
  • Milutin Garašanin. Razgovori o Arheologiji, (prir. S. Babić i M. Tomović), Beograd, 1995. Strane: 7-108.
  • D. Srejović, Iskustva prošlosti, Beograd 2001. Strane:193-212; 237-241; 323-330.
  • W. Bray, D. Trump, The Penguin Dictionary of Archaeology, Harmondsworth, 1970.
  • The Atlas of World Archaeology (P. Bahn ed.) London, 2000.
  • Past Worlds: The Times Atlas of Archaeology, London, 1989.
  • A. Palavestra, Kulturni konteksti arheologije, Filozofski fakultet, Beograd, 2011. Strane: 18-35; 59-79; 82-84; 98-106; 120-137; 165-186; 189-192; 197-214; 221-231; 235-261.
  • Kevin Grin, Uvod u arheologiju, Clio, Beograd 2003. Strane: 8-63; 187-200;305-355.
  • M. Džonson, Arheološka teorija, Clio, Beograd 2007. (M. Johnson, Archaeological Theory, Oxford, 1999). Poglavlja 1-8.
  • B. Olsen, Od predmeta do teksta, Beograd, 2002. Strane: 29-39.
  • C. Renfrew and P. Bahn, Archaeology. Theories, Methods and Practice, London, 2000. Poglavlja: 5, 9, 10.
  • J. Malina, Z. Vašíček, Archaeology yesterday and today, Cambridge 1990. Strane: 2-4; 11-15; 19-22.
  • Staša Babić, Grci i drugi, Clio, Beograd 2008, strane: 11-38.
  • Zenon Kosidovski, Kad je sunce bilo bog, Beograd, 1979. Strane: 14-43; 105-127; 190-209.
  • D. Srejović, Iskustva prošlosti, Beograd 2001. Strane: 107-114.
  • Spomenica Srpskog arheološkog društva (ur. N. Tasić), Beograd, 1983. Strane: 1-40.
  • M. Milinković, Filozofski fakultet u Beogradu – Odeljenje za arheologiju, Enciklopedija srpske istoriografije (ur. S. Ćirković i R. Mihaljčić), Beograd, 1997. Strane: 134-137.