


Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy
Study Program: Sociology
Study Field: Sociology
Type of Study: Bachelor
Form of Study: Full time
Standard Length of Study: 4 years / 8 semesters
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 240 ECTS credits
Qualification Awarded: Bachelor of Sociology (B.A.)
Admission Requirements: An entrance condition for enrollment in a Bachelor’s study program is to have graduated full high school, approved entrance examination scores, and acceptance to study program. Rules for entrance examinations and admission are set in connection with the Faculty of Philosophy Statute.
Transfer Regulations: Rules for transferring are set in connection with the Faculty of Philosophy Statute. It is mandatory for a student to have the sufficient number of ECTS credits within the adequate study group allowing a student to transfer or take the differential exam.
Access to Further Studies: Master study program
Final Examination / ECTS: State final examination / 8 ECTS credits
ECTS Departmental Coordinator:
Name: Jovo Bakić, Assistant Professor
Phone: 381 11 3206-194
Educational and Professional Goals: Undergraduate study program within the Department of Sociology is a four-year long study program, and the student who graduated from it will not only be equipped with knowledge about fundamental sociological terms and terms concerning related disciplines, but also introduced to major humanistic theories about society the graduated student will become aware of various social actors and changes as well as of ways in which society functions. The Bachelor study program’s main goal is to make a student capable of recognizing and discussing most important social issues and phenomena, classifying the same and comparing them to related topics and matters. Also, the student with a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology will acquire special professional skills pertaining to basic collecting methods and procedures, information systematization, and data analysis, and all due to the practical laboratory work organized by the Department of Sociology within the study group. The Bachelor’s study program in Sociology prepares one to perform numerous and various complex professional tasks as well as be qualified and trained to conduct lectures and research projects.

Course Selection / ECTS:

The credit system at the Faculty of Philosophy conforms to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). One academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS credits. Depending on the variation of lectures and laboratory works within the study course, each corresponds to 3 – 8 ECTS credits, while complete unit corresponds to 16 ETC credits. It is the credit accumulation system and corresponding grades of credits are allocated to subjects that form a part of the study program.

Students, who upon graduation from the Bachelor’s study program in Sociology intend to work in elementary and high school education, are required to take Methodology courses.

Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy
Study Program: Sociology
Study Field: Sociology
Type of Study: Master
Form of Study: Full time
Standard Length of Study: 1 year / 2 semesters
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 60 ECTS credits
Qualification Awarded: Master of Sociology (M.A.)
Admission Requirements: An entrance condition for enrollment in a follow-up Master’s study program is the completion of study in a Bachelor’s study program (240 ECTS credits). Rules for entrance examinations and admission are set in connection with the Faculty of Philosophy Statute. A student applying for a Master’s study program with a Bachelor’s degree from a different study group will have to take the difference exam if necessary.
Transfer Regulations: Rules for transferring are set in connection with the Faculty of Philosophy Statute. It is mandatory for a student to have the sufficient number of ECTS credits within the adequate study group allowing a student to transfer or take the differential exam.
Access to Further Studies: Doctoral study program
Final Examination / ECTS: State final examination / 20 ECTS credits; Final research study / 10 ECTS credits
ECTS Departmental Coordinator:
Name: Jovo Bakić, Assistant Professor
Phone: 381 11 3206-194
Products of Studying: Master’s study program in Sociology is a one year study program offered by the Department of Sociology, and upon the graduation form it, the graduate student will become equipped with knowledge and skills indispensable for any individual research work in the field of Sociology. The study program enables student to gain theoretical and methodical knowledge in not only Sociology but in various social and topic related disciplines, as well as through research projects and final thesis analysis. Once obtained credentials and knowledge will qualify graduate students to work on research projects within professional institutions. Graduate students from a Master’s study program in Sociology will become well trained for critical thinking activities, a range of research activities and conception of possible adjustments, transformations and solutions in specific social matters.
Educational and Professional Goals: The main goal of a Master’s study program in Sociology is to offer theoretical and methodological knowledge that will enable a graduate student to engage in individual and critical work in one or the other areas in Sociology. The curriculum of socio-scientific related subjects is created and designed with the intention to realize and facilitate the relationship of certain sociological disciplines with other disciplines and areas of study, as well as to introduce a student with variety of specifics of research methods and topics within research projects. Another goal of a Master’s study program is to introduce a graduate student with possibilities of practical application of the knowledge in Sociology.
Course Selection / ECTS: The credit system at the Faculty of Philosophy conforms to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). One academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS credits. One study course corresponds to 10 ECTS credits. It is the credit accumulation system and corresponding grades of credits are allocated to subjects that form a part of the study program. A student is obligated to attempt and accumulate 30 ECTS credits in order to pass.
Faculty: Faculty of Philosophy
Study Program: Sociology
Study Field: Sociology
Type of Study: Doctoral
Form of Study: Full time
Standard Length of Study: 3 years / 6 semesters
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 180 ECTS credits
Qualification Awarded: Doctor of Sociology (Ph. D.)
Admission Requirements: An entrance conditions for enrollment in a follow-up Doctoral study program are the completion of study in a Master’s study program (300 ECTS credits), the average grade of 8.00 during Bachelor and Master’s study programs, or at least five published research studies in magazines of national and international recognition. The knowledge of at least one foreign language is mandatory as well. Rules for entrance examinations and admission are set in connection with the Faculty of Philosophy Statute. A student applying for a Doctoral study program with a Master’s degree from a different study group will have to take the differential exam if necessary.
Transfer Regulations: Rules for transferring are set in connection with the Faculty of Philosophy Statute. It is mandatory for a student to have the sufficient number of ECTS credits within the adequate study group allowing a student to transfer or take the differential exam.
Access to Further Studies: The doctoral degree is the highest level of Serbian education system.
Final Examination / ECTS: State final examination – Doctoral Dissertation / 120 ECTS credits
ECTS Departmental Coordinator:
Name: Jovo Bakić, Assistant Professor
Phone: 381 11 3206-194

Educational and Professional Goals:

A Doctoral study program offered by the Department of Sociology trains graduate candidates to become capable of conducting individual research and scientific work in areas of social studies. The main focus of the study program is to enable a graduate student with the understanding of the latest social theories as well as the most recent scientific methodology concerning Epistemology and data collecting and analysis as well. The Doctoral study program also facilitates further interdisciplinary orientation of a candidate.

The concept of the Doctoral study program in Sociology has been created and designed with the intention to, once the educational process has ended, advance the development student’s abilities to individually, systematically and critically understand and explore various theoretical, historical and empirical issues concerning social studies. In order to achieve this goal, the student will be trained to diagnose and differentiate hypothetical from practical and existent social matters, to position theoretical or empirical study program to research those same matters, to become skilled at adequate research methods and techniques as well as at data basis research methods, to discover to creatively interpret the results of the study, and to come across the ways of applying them to concrete matters.

During the Doctoral study program, the graduate students will gain fundamental education in the area of Sociology as well as the essential understanding of major social and sociological issues. The students will also be introduced to sociological research methods and techniques, as well as to modern data research techniques. The special attention will be given on preparing students to, after the graduation, continue following modern sociological trends so they can access and maintain connections with international scientific society. Due to that, students will be capable of professional assisting in international research projects, and to present their works and achievements in books and magazines, and at conventions and public presentations. This will be one of the ways of enabling a graduate student to individually provide for the growth of Sociology as a science.

The special concept within Sociology as a science is a concept of Sociology being self reflexive science that reflects society. Therefore, with forming the conscious about the sociological research having to completely respect the principles of ethics, the Doctoral study program in Sociology develops the awareness in a graduate student of becoming responsible for the growth of the society and humanity.

Course Selection / ECTS: The credit system at the Faculty of Philosophy conforms to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). One academic year corresponds to 60 ECTS credits. Each study course corresponds to 10 ECTS credits, the thesis analysis bibliography corresponds to 15 ECTS credits, the research study corresponds to 45 ECTS credits, and final thesis analysis corresponds to 45 ECTS credits. It is the credit accumulation system and corresponding grades of credits are allocated to subjects that form a part of the study program.