
Sociology – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Introduction to Gender Studies
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 3
Recommended Semester: 5
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: /

Course objectives: Introducing students to the basic web of concepts and ideas in gender studies, as well as the history of feminism and feminist theory - introducing students to the relevance and value of gender studies for contemporary social thought.

Course description: Womens studies, history and creation, methodology of the the feminist movement and feminist theory.

Learning Outcomes: Nurturing critical thought and problem-based approach with issues in gender, developing a sensitivity to the specific social position women have, gaining knowledge necessary for feminist activism.

Sociology – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Introduction to Gender Studies
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 3
Recommended Semester: 5
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: /

Course objectives: Introducing students to the basic web of concepts and ideas in gender studies, as well as the history of feminism and feminist theory - introducing students to the relevance and value of gender studies for contemporary social thought.

Course description: Womens studies, history and creation, methodology of the the feminist movement and feminist theory.

Learning Outcomes: Nurturing critical thought and problem-based approach with issues in gender, developing a sensitivity to the specific social position women have, gaining knowledge necessary for feminist activism.

  • Papić, Žarana, Sklevicki Lidija (1983): Antropologija žene, Prosveta, Bgd. Burdje Pjer (2001): Vladavina muškaraca, Podgorica, CID Baret, Mišel (1983): Potčinjena žena, RAdnička štampa, Bgd.
  • Milić, Anđelka (1984): Žene, politika, porodica, ISI FF, Bgd. Andre, Mišel (1997): Feminizam, Plato HH vek, Bgd. Pejtmen, Kerol (2001): Polni ugovor, Feministička 94, Bgd.