
Sociology – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Intro to Sociology of Education
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 2
Recommended Semester: 4
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: To participate in this course students should have successfully completed a couple of required sociological courses, most importantly fundamentals of social theory, history of sociology and be able to use a foreign language and computer.

Course objectives: The goal of this course is for sociology students to gain insight into a disciplinary view of sociology on the topic of education.

Course description: This course does not aim to give a complete history of the development of the sociology of education as a science, rather, attention will be mostly focused on: (a) analysis of the most important theoretical and methodological paradigms through which sociologists have reflected the phenomenon of education within the sociological tradition and contemporary sociological currents. (b) examining several of the most important themes and problems dealt with in contemporary social theory on education and (c) recognizing their theoretical and methodological influence on other sociological sub-disciplines and other, more or less similar, social sciences.

Learning Outcomes: This course should foster student's ability to creatively use their theoretical and research related knowledge gained in this course and apply that knowledge to studying problems that are dealt with in the sociology of education.

  • Harambos M., Sociologija, poglavlje 11: Obrazovanje, str. 774-882. (R/U)
  • Mimica A. i Bogdanović M., Sociološki rečnik, odrednice: Obrazovanje, Socijalizacija, Sociologija obrazovanja, Sociologija nastavnog programa, Škola (R/D)
  • Gidens E., Sociologija, poglavlje 15: Obrazovanje, str. 254-269 (R/KDA)
  • Flere S., Obrazovanje za sve? (R/KDA)
  • Georgievski P., Vojin Milić i proučavanje obrazovanja kao kanala društvene pokretljivosti (R/ČDA)
  • Markov S., Jedan pogled na Milićevo proučavanje obrazovanja (R/ČDA)
  • Miladinović S., Obrasci formiranja i reprodukcije vladajućih elita u bivšoj Jugoslaviji II: Kanali vertikalne pokretljivosti-obrazovanje i politička aktivnost (R/ČDA)
  • Milić A., Ideja vaspitanja i istorijska stvarnost porodice (R/ČDA)
  • Jarić I., Škola (R/ČPN)
  • Jarić I., Začarani krug predstava o muškom i ženskom (R/ČPN)
  • Georgievski P., Kulturna funkcija nastavnog programa (R/ČDA)