
Sociology – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Applied economic sociology
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 3
Recommended Semester: 6
ECTS Credits Allocated: 4.00
Pre-requisites: Requirements for this course are that students must have attended courses in: Basics of the Economy, Sociology of Work and Statistics in Social Research.

Course objectives: The goal of this course of for students to learn to empirically analyze problems in the field of economic sociology, to be able to map out a plan of analysis and find corresponding indicators and resources for data. Students will be able to precisely and skillfully present the results of their analysis.

Course description: The theoretical part of this course will focus on students learning how to find relevant information about socioeconomic phenomena and use corresponding methods for their analysis. The practical part of this course encompasses empirical analysis of elements of rationality present in economic activity of individuals, the grey market, socioeconomic strategies of households, functions of various economic and social institutions, economic inequalities, development and social webs.

Learning Outcomes: After passing the exam in this course students will be able to recognize relevant parameters and find adequate data sources to analyze various phenomena in the field of economic sociology, and be able to precisely present the results of their analysis.

  • Publikacije statističkih ustanova.
  • Babović, M. „Socijalne mreže – povezivanje društvenih aktera u sferi ekonomskih aktivnosti”, Sociologija No. 4, 2005: 351-370
  • Babović, „Ekonomske strategije domaćinstava u post-socijalističkoj transformaciji Srbije”, u Milić, ur., Društvena transformacija i strategije društvenih grupa, 2004: 239-275
  • Babović, Cvejić, Rakić, (2007) „Položaj izbeglica na tržištu rada i njihova uključenost u aktivne mere zapošljavanja“, Grupa 484, Beograd
  • Anderson, M., Bechhofer, F. & J. Gershuny (eds.) (1994) The Social and Political Economy of the Household, Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • Begović, B. I dr. Četiri godine tranzicije u Srbiji, Beograd: CLDS
  • Florida, R.(2002) The Rise of the Creative Class. New York: Basic Books.
  • Cvejić, S. (2002) Neformalna privreda u post-socijalističkoj transformaciji, u Bolčić, S. i A.Milić, ur. Srbija krajem milenijuma: razaranje društva, promene i svakodnevni život’, Beograd: ISI FF.
  • Milanović, B. (2006) Odvojeni svetovi. Beograd: UNDP