
Sociology – Doctoral Degree 2014
Sociology of Religion
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 2
ECTS Credits Allocated: 10.00
Pre-requisites: Previous knowledge or a completed course on religious is desirable(but not mandatory.)Students are expected to be at least generally familiar with world religions, particularly monotheistic faith traditions.

Course objectives: Introduction to contemporary theory, methods and approaches to religion and religious phenomena. Developing a sense for the interdisciplinary aspect of studying religion. Understanding the role of religion in contemporary conflicts, but also the contributions and efforts of religious communities in fostering dialogue and peace.

Course description: The main object of this course is to introduce doctoral candidates to the most current theoretical and methodological ideas and trends in the contemporary study of religion. A special emphasis will be put on the interdisciplinary approach as the most adequate attempt to portray and include religious diversity. In order to a gain a more complete, detailed picture of the various aspects of religious phenomena - including its relationship to culture, politics, identity, globalization, conflict and violence etc - religion will be viewed through a theoretical(sociological,as well as anthropological, philosophical and sim.) and historical-comparative perspective(comparatively studying at least two concrete, historical religions).

Learning Outcomes: Completion of a special seminar work(paper) in which the doctoral candidates understanding of contemporary theory, methods and approaches to religion and issues present in religious studies as a contemporary science will be displayed.

  • Vukomanović, Milan, Sveto i mnoštvo, Čigoja štampa, Beograd, 2001
  • Gerc, Kliford, Tumačenje kultura 1, XX vek, Beograd, 1998, str. 119-175
  • Elijade, Mirča, Sveto i profano, Književna zajednica, Novi Sad, 1986
  • Espozito, Džon, Oksfordska istorija islama, Klio, Beograd, 2002, str. 643-752
  • Kincler, Klaus, Verski fundamentalizam, Klio, Beograd, 2002
  • Perica, Vjekoslav, Balkanski idoli, 1-2, XX vek, Beograd, 2006
  • Terin, Aldo Natale, Uvod u komparativni studij religija, Zagreb, 2006
  • Hamilton, Malkom, Sociologija religije, Klio, Beograd, 2003
  • Milan Vukomanović, Homo viator, Čigoja štampa, Beograd, 2008
  • Piter Berger, ur., Desekularizacija sveta oživljavanje religije i svetska politika, Mediterran, Novi Sad, 2008.
  • Talal Asad, Formacije sekularnog: hrišćanstvo, islam, modernost, Beogradski krug, Beograd, 2008.