
Psychology – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 3
Recommended Semester: 6
ECTS Credits Allocated: 5.00
Pre-requisites: eligibility for semester/academic year

Course objectives: Introduction to neurobiological bases of mental functions, to the mechanisms underlying disturbed processing in the presence of brain dammage, to basic assumptions of neuropsychological assessment and analyses, and to principal strategies in treatmet of brain injury sequelae

Course description:

Learning Outcomes: Elementary understanding of cerebral fundamentals of mental processing and of the basic principles of neuropsychological assessment. Acquiring key knowledge on it's method, techniques and main implications of neuropsychological findings

  • Nadežda S. Krstić (2008). Razvojna neuropsihologija. Beograd: CIDD. (odabrana poglavlja).
  • Dragan M. Pavlović (2012). Neuropsihologija, bihevioralna neurologija i neuropsihijatrija. Beograd: Orion Art.(odabrana poglavlja).
  • Krstić, N. (2013). Uvod u neuropsihologiju. Retrieved from Fakultet za spec.edukaciju i rehab., program predmeta Uvod u neuropsihologiju Web site: