
Psychology – Doctoral Degree 2014
Consumer Psychology
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 2
ECTS Credits Allocated: 10.00
Pre-requisites: Passed the examination Consumer Behavior and Marketing

Course objectives: Thorough understanding of the scientific status and critical review of consumer psychology constructs in the theoretical, operational and applied fields, the analysis of the mutual influences of theoretical and research approaches in psychology and marketing.

Course description: Consumer psychology, consumer research, the scientific status of consumer research, paradigms. Modeling the behavior of consumers. Methodological issues in consumer psychology research, applied research design, external validation, role of the external validation of theoretical research, consumer research focused on the discovery. Specific areas of consumer psychology, consumer involvement, personality of consumers, brand personality, attitudes,consumers' decision-making, emotions and moods. Ethics in consumer research.

Learning Outcomes: Students know how to analyze theoretical and empirical approaches in the base of definitions of concepts in the field of consumer behavior. They know how to define the problem, set up hypotheses and theoretical models to improve the area in theoretical and methodological domain.

  • Petrović, I, Kovačević, P. (1996). Merenje involviranosti potrošača, Psihologija, 1, 71-82.
  • Štajnberger, I, Petrović, I. (1996). Istraživanje imidža, Plasman i tržište, 2, str. 58-63.
  • Petrović, I. (1997). Uključenost kao faktor odlučivanja potrošača, Psihološka istraživanja, 9: 53-80.
  • Petrović, I, Kovačević, P, Štajnberger, I. (1997). Primena multidimenzionalnog skaliranja u određivanju tržišne pozicije proizvoda, Psihološka istraživanja,
  • Kovacevic, P., Đuric, S., Zarevski, P. (1992). Tendency to answer false questions in objective and attitude tests, Steyer,R. et al. (Eds) Psychometric Methodology. Gustav Fischer Verlag, 227-239.
  • Kovačević, P. (1999) Socio-psihološki aspekti kupoprodajnih odnosa na beogradskim pijacama, u Beogradske gradske pijace, JKP “Gradske pijace”, Beograd 1999, 33-42.
  • Kovačević Panta (1983). Numeričke sposobnosti kao komponenta intelektualne aktivnosti. Psihologija 1-2, 109-123
  • Worcester, R., Downham, J. Eds. (1986). Consumer Market Research Handbook, 3rd edn, London: McGraw-Hill.
  • Haugtvedt, C. P., Herr, P. M. & Kardes, F. R. (Eds.). (2008). Handbook of Consumer Psychology. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis.
  • Dopunska literatura (knjige i članci), precizira se u dogovoru sa studentom.