
Psychology – Master’s Degree 2014
Cognitive development
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: none

Course objectives: To understand key open issues of cognitive development, to understand basic assumptions of contemporary approaches and theories in research of cognitive development, to develop and understand key concepts of contemporary approaches and theories

Course description: Key open issues of cognitive development, brain development and cognitive development, Evolutionary psychology and cognitive development, Piaget's constructivist approach, Neopiagetian cognitive development theory, Cognitive-information approach (Cognitive-information processing approach), Connectionionism and cognitive development, Dynamic systems approach, Vigotskys Socio-cultural approach, Neo-Vigotskian approaches to cognitive development, Discourse psychology and cognitive development, Social interaction and socio-cultural environment as factors of cognitive development, Psychometric approach to cognitive development

Learning Outcomes: To understand the strengths and weaknesses of contemporary theories and approaches, to understand how cognitive development (factors and mechanisms) are explained in different approaches and theories and to be familiar with relevant contemporary research

Psychology – Master’s Degree 2014
Cognitive development
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: none

Course objectives: To understand key open issues of cognitive development, to understand basic assumptions of contemporary approaches and theories in research of cognitive development, to develop and understand key concepts of contemporary approaches and theories

Course description: Key open issues of cognitive development, brain development and cognitive development, Evolutionary psychology and cognitive development, Piaget's constructivist approach, Neopiagetian cognitive development theory, Cognitive-information approach (Cognitive-information processing approach), Connectionionism and cognitive development, Dynamic systems approach, Vigotskys Socio-cultural approach, Neo-Vigotskian approaches to cognitive development, Discourse psychology and cognitive development, Social interaction and socio-cultural environment as factors of cognitive development, Psychometric approach to cognitive development

Learning Outcomes: To understand the strengths and weaknesses of contemporary theories and approaches, to understand how cognitive development (factors and mechanisms) are explained in different approaches and theories and to be familiar with relevant contemporary research

  • - 5 izvornih članaka iz naučnih časopisa izabranih od strane studenta u zavisnosti od izbora teme za seminarski rad i izlaganje i diskusiju
  • 2 knjige ili 10 članaka po izboru studenata (u dogovoru sa nastavnikom) koji dobro reprezentuju dva pristupa kognitivnog razvoja koje student treba da pripremi za usmeni ispit
  • Baucal, A., Arcidiacono, F. & Budjevac, N. (2011) (Eds.). Studying interaction in different contexts: A qualitative view. Institute of Psychology, Belgrade
  • Baucal, A. (2013). Two instead of one ZPD: Individual and joint construction in the ZPD. In S. Phillipson, K. Ku, & S. Phillipson (Eds.), Constructing educational achievement: A sociocultural perspect
  • Baucal, A., Arcidiacono, F.,& Budjevac, N. (2013). “Is there an equal (amount of) juice?” Exploring the repeated question effect in conservation through conversation. European Journal of Psychology of
  • Baucal, A., & Buđevac, N. (2012). Discussion on social interaction from two perspectives: explanatory vs. Analytic view. In: Baucal, A. & Radišić, J. (Eds.), Patchwork. Learning Diversities
  • Goswami, U. (Ed.) (2004). Blackwell Handbook of Childhood Cognitive Development. London: Blackwell.