
Psychology – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Writing on Art
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 2
ECTS Credits Allocated: 4.00
Pre-requisites: There are no specific prerequisites for attendance to lectures in this course.

Course objectives: The goal of the course is to introduce students into expertise work on developing “tools” necessary for the study itself and the entire field of study.

Course description: The course is focused on methods and techniques concerning composition writing about art (texts about art, including forms, titles, different elements, contents, methods, and meanings, techniques and standard procedures in analysis of every single layer of the text).

Learning Outcomes: The course is designed with the idea to support the assimilation of standard procedures in analysis of certain text materials in order to make students capable of proficient analysis of foreign and unfamiliar texts and for individual critical and creative composition writing about art.

Psychology – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Writing on Art
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 2
Recommended Semester: 4
ECTS Credits Allocated: 4.00
Pre-requisites: There are no specific prerequisites for attendance to lectures in this course.

Course objectives: The goal of the course is to introduce students into expertise work on developing “tools” necessary for the study itself and the entire field of study.

Course description: The course is focused on methods and techniques concerning composition writing about art (texts about art, including forms, titles, different elements, contents, methods, and meanings, techniques and standard procedures in analysis of every single layer of the text).

Learning Outcomes: The course is designed with the idea to support the assimilation of standard procedures in analysis of certain text materials in order to make students capable of proficient analysis of foreign and unfamiliar texts and for individual critical and creative composition writing about art.

  • P. Dragojević, Pisanje o umetnosti, 2017 (materijal za studente).
  • M. Koen - E. Najgel, Uvod u logiku i naučni metod, Beograd 2004, 364-369 (logika kritičkih sudova o umetnosti).
  • P. Dragojević, "Obrada jednog Vinkelmanovog teksta u srpskoj štampi 19. veka", Zbornik Matice srpske za likovne umetnosti 36 (Novi Sad 2008) 147-156.
  • O. Bätschmann, Uvod u povijesnoumjetničku hermeneutiku. Interpretacija slika, Zagreb, Scarabeus 2004, 11-168.