
Psychology – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 2
Recommended Semester: 3
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: Statistics in Psychology 1 and 2 and Methodology of Psychological Research

Course objectives: Enabling students to: 1. operationalize a problem (construct) 2. collect valid and reliable information, 3. summarize and interpret them, 4. propose a decision to a client so as to minimize errors in decisions he makes based on the information presented

Course description: Definition of Psychometrics and basis of psychometric approach to measurement, individual differences as a subject of interest in psychology. Theory, construct, latent and manifest variables, indicator, data. The basic psychometric characteristics. Basics of classical test theory and latent trait theory/item-response theory-IRT. Discriminative power and objectivity (inter-observer agreement), Reliability, Generalizability, Representativeness, Homogeneity, The standard error of measurement, Validity. Compliance with theoretical assumptions (construct validity). Irreducibility – (discriminant and concurrent validity). Prediction of success on criterion measures (predictive validity). Prediction of group membership (diagnostic and prognostic usefulness). The principles of psychological test construction. The principles of item design and item selection: item analysis and factor analysis focused approach versus external criterion based approach; item response theory (IRT) based approach.

Learning Outcomes: Acquired advanced concepts, information and methodological resources. The ability to critically evaluate theories, methods and contents of professional and scientific production. Capacity for scientific research, multidisciplinary collaboration, paper and project writing.

  • Bukvić, A. (1982): Načela izrade psiholoških testova, Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd Tenjović, L. (2002): Statistika u psihologiji – priručnik, Centar za primenjenu psihologiju, Beograd
  • Fajgelj, S. (2003): Psihometrija, Centar za primenjenu psihologiju, Beograd Fulgosi, A. (1981) Faktorska analiza, Školska knjiga, Zagreb Momirović, K., Wolf, B., Popović D. (1999) Uvod u teoriju merenj